Rainbow news zambia

Protect Vulnerable People, Chenai Mukumba prods Zambian Government

Protect Vulnerable People, Chenai Mukumba prods Zambian Government

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Ashton Kelly Bunda and Derrick Sinjela Consumer Unit Trust Society (CUTS) International Center Coordinator Chenai Mukumba says Government and Stakeholders have huge targets to score after Finance Minister Felix Chipota Mutati presented a K64.5 billion tight 2017 budget. In her mixed feeling reaction, Ms. Mukumba advised Mr. Mutati through Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba to engage other think-tanks beyond Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) and Policy Monitoring Research Centre (PMRC) to crossover to recovery. Making a description on how  Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) scrutinized and analyzed the 2017 National budget  dubbed “...

Empower Zambia’s Entrepreneurship Spirit pleads Maambo Hamaaundu

Empower Zambia’s Entrepreneurship Spirit pleads Maambo Hamaaundu

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By Ashton Kelly Bunda Financial Analyst Maambo Hamaaundu observed that the spirit of entrepreneurship among women has been killed in Zambia following Governments imposition of tax on imported cooking oil, toiletries  and other commodities. Mr. Hamaaundu noted that lack of value addition machinery in Zambia compels women entrepreneurs to import commodities manufactured from groundnuts and soya beans. While supporting competition and variety in a free market economy, Hamaaundu pointed toward encouraging a balance between products imported by Zambian female entrepreneurs and locally manufactured goods and products. “It is sad that women have not been given a chance to manufacture or...

Walk the Budget Talk, pleads Dr. Pamela Nankamba-Kabaso

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By Ashton Kelly Bunda Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Executive Director Dr. Pamela Nankamba-Kabaso says implementing hard decision proposals in the 2017 National Budget estimated at K64.5 billion will restore the Zambian economy on the growth path. Speaking after Secretary to the Treasury, Fredson Yamba launched “Walking a Tightrope To Economic Recovery” and “Analytical Brief of the Social Sector Budget 2017 “Leaving No One Behind,” at Lusakla’s Taj Pamodzi hotel, produced by ZIPAR and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Dr. Nankamba-Kabaso observed a fine line between balancing the current scarcity of resources and the pressure to hasten...

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