Category: Entertainment


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By MOSES WALUBITA LUSAKA Wednesday, 22nd January, 2025 THE African Tourism Board (ATB)has formally announced its endorsement of a Greek national Harry Theoharis for the position of Secretary-General for the United Nations Tourism from 2026 to 2029. Honourable Theoharis has a Master of Engineering degree in Software Engineering with Honours from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London, United Kingdom. He has accumulated a decade (ten years) of experience in senior-level roles in London, engaging in various sectors, including technology, consulting, and finance, while overseeing numerous global initiatives. Mr. Theoharis said: ‘’I am deeply grateful to the...


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Seattle, Washington, USA — On Sunday, December 15, 2024, the Seattle Airport Marriott was the stage for an unforgettable celebration of African excellence during the 2024 African Achievement Awards. Among the highlights of this prestigious event was the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to Her Excellency Dr. Justina Mutale, a globally recognized leader whose work continues to inspire generations. A recipient of numerous awards from across the globe, Dr. Mutale, who has been lauded as one of the most influential African women in the world was recently inducted to the African Leaders Hall of Fame by the New Africa...

“*Aux Distingués Membres de la diaspora africaine, des Afro-descendants du Monde entier*,”- _Lancine SACKO_ Défenseur de la Gouvernance Démocratique et des Droits Humains

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*Aux Distingués Membres de la diaspora africaine, des Afro-descendants du Monde entier* Je vous écris pour alerter sur une situation critique en Guinée, un enjeu majeur pour les droits humains et la démocratie en Afrique de l’Ouest. La Guinée, premier pays africain à refuser la domination coloniale française en proclamant son indépendance le 2 octobre 1958, est aujourd’hui confrontée à une crise menaçant ses principes démocratiques. Depuis septembre 2021, une junte militaire dirigée par un ancien légionnaire français a trahi ses promesses de transition démocratique, transformant l’espoir de réformes en une répression systématique des droits humains et des institutions démocratiques....

“Introducing Kashiki -Licensed To Kill” THE KASHIKI CHRONICLES by Bratel Lupokoma

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THE KASHIKI CHRONICLES By Bratel Lupokoma Introducing Kashiki -Licensed To Kill Hello reader! My name is Kashiki. I am thrilled to be afforded a column in the Rainbow Newspaper. Let me give you ka free leakage: there is nothing ‘rainbowish’ about me, as half the people that associate with me as per manufacturers instructions usually end up in ashes. In simple terms, I kill half the number of those that befriend me. Im sure by now you must think I am a bit of an oddity. I admit i am quite weird actually, but don’t worry, I’ve been normalised –...

Zambian Children Young People and Women in Development (ZCYPWD) is appreciative of your Leadership and Development Comrade Hermis Maunda!

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Zambian Children Young People and Women in Development (ZCYPWD) is appreciative of your Leadership and Development Comrade Hermis Maunda! Technical Specialist – Child Rights Governance Lusaka Province, Zambia · Technical Specialist – Child Rights Governance · Save the Children International, an Economic and Social Development Expert with vast experience in human rights, policy analysis, technical support, Sichepele Hermis Maunda Be the first to like. Like Unlike


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Seattle, Washington, USA — On Sunday, December 15, 2024, the Seattle Airport Marriott was the stage for an unforgettable celebration of African excellence during the 2024 African Achievement Awards. Among the highlights of this prestigious event was the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to Her Excellency Dr. Justina Mutale, a globally recognized leader whose work continues to inspire generations. A recipient of numerous awards from across the globe, Dr. Mutale, who has been lauded as one of the most influential African women in the world was recently inducted to the African Leaders Hall of Fame by the New Africa...

GLOBALink | Electric-boosted shoes, a must-try product at CIIE

Notice: Undefined index: catFilterList in /home/zambi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-likes/api.php on line 243 Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2024-11-07 13:36:16 How does it feel like when wearing a pair of “Moonwalkers”? Xinhua’s Zuzanna has the answer after trying on the electric-boosted shoes at the 7th CIIE. #CIIE2024 #FutureOfWalking #Innovation #WalkingShoes #Tech #WearableTech #SmartMobility You may like Letter from Lhasa: Xizang revisited — A fresh narrative In pics: China Pavilion at 7th CIIE in Shanghai More from GLOBALink GLOBALink | Foreign exhibitors see CIIE as platform for innovation, growth, and collaboration GLOBALink | Exploring CIIE with Fortune 500 company: European retailer’s ambitions in China GLOBALink | Chasing Shenzhou: A hero’s welcome Copyright© All rights...

(CIIE) Economic Watch: U.S. agriculture industry leaders expect stronger ties with China

Notice: Undefined index: catFilterList in /home/zambi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-likes/api.php on line 243 Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2024-11-07 17:07:00 SHANGHAI, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) — Multiple agriculture industry leaders from the United States have recently emphasized the importance of cooperation with China, anticipating that strengthened bilateral ties in agriculture will benefit global trade and sustainable development. They shared their views at the U.S.-China Agricultural Trade Cooperation Forum, held as part of the ongoing seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE), which runs from Nov. 5 to 10. LONG-STANDING PARTNERSHIP For Jim Sutter, CEO of the U.S. Soybean Export Council, the international marketing arm of U.S. Soy, China is a key trading partner and the...

Colorful CIIE: Magic shoes that make you “walk with wind”

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Source: Xinhuanet Editor: huaxia 2024-11-06 11:12:31 At the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE), various high-tech exhibits dazzled the visitors. Among them, a pair of smart electric shoes has caught much attentions. It learns the wearer’s walking habits, enabling them to walk at running speed. How does it feel to wear them? Let’s find out. Copyright© All rights reserved. Be the first to like. Like Unlike


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Lusaka Saturday 26th October, 2024 MARK TAMBATAMBA: THE TEACHER-CUM POLITICIAN MOSES WALUBITA LUSAKA MARK Mwika Tambatamba was a passionate traditionalist, educationist and a disciplinarian. He educated his children and many of his extended family members. While the Chinese say: ‘’A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’’, Tambatamba appeared to have been inspired by the Kaonde proverb which says: ‘’Lweendo ntaangi, lubule ntaangi lwalaala’’, literally translated to mean: ‘’Any journey is about a leader, if it has no leader then it won’t be undertaken or successful’’. His brother Mukombo Jonathan Tambatamba recalls: ‘’He took leadership seriously in...

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