Tagged: Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited

Happy60thbirthday to Edem K. G. Djokotoe Sunday21stJune2020 born Tuesday21stJune1960 #DoubleheaderFather’sDay Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited

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Happy60thbirthday to Edem K. G. Djokotoe Sunday21stJune2020 born Tuesday21stJune1960 #DoubleheaderFather’sDay Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited  Edem Djokotoe: THE UNREAL REALITIES OF JOURNALISM  zamobserver 6 months ago ” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” /> Edem Djokotoe By Edem K G Djokotoe THE UNREAL REALITIES OF JOURNALISM A young Times of Zambia reporter has made some insulting claims about me and my views about journalism to a close friend. He says I am just an angry and bitter old man who is ignorant about “the real realities” of journalism. He is right about one thing. I am angry– as in BruceBanner/Incredible Hulk “You-won’t-like-me-when-I-am angry” angry because...

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