Category: Gender & health

UPPZ’s Charles Chanda encourages Emeralds Mining Investment

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  EMERALD INVESTMENT The mine is valued at $13 million and 50% is owned by myself. I have released 50% which is equivalent to $6.5 million or 6 500 000 if a share is equal to $1. So when you are asking about how much you can invest, look at the value. 1kg of first grade emarald( 5000 carats) has a value of $2 620 000 ($525 per carat) In the event that you harvest 100kg of first grade emarald during one financial year, you will make $262 500 000. If for instance $162 500 000 goes to operations and...

UPND National Chairperson Mutale Nalumango and Secretary General Steven Katuka visit Copperbelt Province

UPND National Chairperson Mutale Nalumango and Secretary General Steven Katuka visit Copperbelt Province

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By Godfrey Kamangu Deputy Provincial Information and Publicity Secretary Sunday 9th December 2018 A high powered UPND National Management Committee (NMC) delegation lead by Party National Chairperson Hon. Mutale Nalumango is on the Copperbelt to check on the Party Mobilization exercise. Mrs. Nalumango is accompanied by her Deputy Maj. Foloshi, Party Secretary General Hon. Steven Katuka, National Deputy Chairman – Religious Affairs Pastor Chileshe Kangwa and six other NMC officials met the party structures on the Copperbelt at the provincial secretariat yesterday. Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Mr. Elisha Matambo lead his Management Committee, District Management Commitees and Constituency Management Committees. Mr....

YWCA-WILSA will raise standards of Living, vows Tracy Sichinga

YWCA-WILSA will raise standards of Living, vows Tracy Sichinga

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By Ashton Kelly Bunda YOUNG Women Christian Association (YWCA) President Tracy Sichinga says that persistent  Gender Violence and early marriages has gotten its toll in Slum dwelling communities , hence YWCA and Women and Law in Southern Africa(WILSA) carrying out a survey to identify locate solutions. Ms. Sichinga explained that the Baseline Survey was prompted by increased cases Gender Based Violence (GBV), early marriages and growing school dropouts in George and Linda Township. The development activist cried foul over rising poverty levels in George and Linda Township during the launch of a Citizen Report Card (CRC) on Young Women in...

Pan African Radio 105.1FM Caesar Sindele hosts AU-ECOSOCC Presiding Officer, Joseph Chilengi  Sunday 8th January 2017 @18-20hours

Pan African Radio 105.1FM Caesar Sindele hosts AU-ECOSOCC Presiding Officer, Joseph Chilengi Sunday 8th January 2017 @18-20hours

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Join Caesar Sindele and The Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (AU-ECOSOCC) Presiding Officer, Mr. Joseph Chilengi (left) Sunday 8th January 2017 Pan African Radio 105.1FM Newsfeedback Programme Time: 18:00 hours -20:00 hours Topic: “Governance, Institutionalism and The Rule of Law in Africa, with focus on Zambia Special Guest: The Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (AU-ECOSOCC) Presiding Officer, Joseph Chilengi Tune in and listen as Anchor Caesar Sindele seeks answers from Mr. Joseph Chilengi on Good Governance and an Au decision to move the ECOSOCC Headquarters from Ethiopia to Zambia? To participate call+260950...

ZHAP calls for immediate rapid assessment into the impact of heavy rains

ZHAP calls for immediate rapid assessment into the impact of heavy rains

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By Simon Mwamba Zambia Humanitarian Actor Platform (ZHAP) Coordinator, a loose alliance of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the humanitarian sector, concerned over eminent danger posed by the impact of heavy rains throughout the ten provinces, with flash flooding daring urban area communities. In a joint Media Statement, ZHAP Interim Chairperson Stephen Nyirenda Interim Communication Secretary Janet Chinyama lament that while rains come as a blessing after consecutive poor seasons, the poor state of drainage infrastructure Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western Provinces  continue causing losses among home owners and small business especially in...

NGOCC condemns PF attacks on LAZ

NGOCC condemns PF attacks on LAZ

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NGOCC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ENGWASE MWALE PRESS RELEASE for Immediate Release Saturday 4th March 2017 The Non-Governmental Organisations’ Coordinating Council ( NGOCC ) condemns, in the strongest terms, the barbaric and misguided attacks on the Law Association of Zambia ( LAZ) by cadres of the Patriotic Front Party (PF). While we recognize that every citizen has a democratic right to express their views on any public institution, the attacks towards the LAZ and in particular towards the LAZ President Ms Linda Kasonde are unwarranted and clearly meant to intimidate the Association from playing it’s rightful role as a legal advisory. As the...

Should Chiefs in Zambia be involved in ‘Active or Partisan politics’?

Should Chiefs in Zambia be involved in ‘Active or Partisan politics’?

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Wednesday May 19, 2018 By Alfred A. K. Ndhlovu [Hon.] SEVERAL political leaders in Zambia have commented, or sometimes comment, that all chiefs should not comment on political matters because as traditional rulers they must be neutral in politics. There are two terms which have not been defined properly by politicians themselves which confuse the citizens of Zambia. The terms are “active politics” and “partisan politics” to which can, or must, be added the other common phrase “traditional rulers”. Is being neutral in politics consistent with respect for fundamental human rights? Do chiefs have human rights as traditional rulers and...

Keep hair short, Joyce Nonde-Simukoko prods Zambian girls

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By Derrick Sinjela PARENTS are spoiling children with cosmetics, laments Labour and Social Security Minister, Ms. Joyce Nonde-Simukoko during a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) sensitization breakfast meeting on Saturday 1st April 2017 in Lusaka hosted by Nyumba Yanga Secondary School Head Teacher, Tiku Msoni Banda. Flanked by Provincial Education Office (PEO) Representative, Senior Education Standards Officer, Ms. Rose Siziya, District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Ms. Priscilla Lydia Chulu-Mwanzah, UNESCO Country Representative, Joyce Saili and Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Representative, Fabien Mambwe, Ms. Nonde-Simukoko argued that girls spend more time and money on looking good. A straight-talking Ms. Simukoko implored parents...

Important Events in 1920

Important Events in 1920

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Important Events in 1920 Jan 16 1st assembly of the League of Nations is held in Paris Mar 10 Home Rule Act passed by the British Parliament, dividing Ireland into two parts; it is rejected by the southern counties, where the Ango-Irish war continues for a year Mar 19 US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles for 2nd time refusing to ratify League of Nations’ covenant (maintaining isolation policy) Mar 31 British parliament accepts Irish Home Rule law Apr 20 Balfour Declaration recognized, makes Palestine a British Mandate Apr 26 Harlow Shapley and Heber D. Curtis hold “great debate” on the nature of nebulae, galaxies and size of...

Let us emulate Theresa May, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, prods ‘Zambia-first mindset’

Let us emulate Theresa May, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, prods ‘Zambia-first mindset’

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Fellow Citizens, Let me quote the former Prime Minister of Britain, Mrs. Theresa May, because her words in the attached video are relevant to Zambia today. Among other things, Mrs. May said:“I am worried about the state of politics…. One which believes that if you simply assert your view loud enough and long enough, you will get your way in the end…. This is coarsening our public debate. Some are losing the ability to disagree without demeaning the views of others. Online technology allows people to express their anger and anxiety without filter or accountability. Aggressive assertions are made without...

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