ZHAP calls for immediate rapid assessment into the impact of heavy rains
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By Simon Mwamba

Zambia Humanitarian Actors Platform
Zambia Humanitarian Actor Platform (ZHAP) Coordinator, a loose alliance of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the humanitarian sector, concerned over eminent danger posed by the impact of heavy rains throughout the ten provinces, with flash flooding daring urban area communities.
In a joint Media Statement, ZHAP Interim Chairperson Stephen Nyirenda Interim Communication Secretary Janet Chinyama lament that while rains come as a blessing after consecutive poor seasons, the poor state of drainage infrastructure Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western Provinces continue causing losses among home owners and small business especially in peri-urban areas.
Mr. Nyirenda and Ms. Chinyama regret major flooding within Lusaka City, stating that a significant contributor lies in major outfall drains being filled with garbage, while others are completely blocked by illegal developments in densely populated areas such as Mtendere, Kaunda Square, Mandevu, Garden and Kalikiliki, where disturbance on the drainage system is rampant.
“As reported in the media, several homes have collapsed and household goods have been damaged by the floods. Many families have also abandoned the flooded houses in the above mentioned residential areas of Lusaka.
Bearing in mind the warning from the metrological department that more heavy rains are still expected in the coming few days, there is a possibility of water logging in fields in rural areas which could adversely affect small scale farmers, and this year’s crop production. This could also have an impact on the livelihoods of people and their assets,” Nyirenda and Ms. Chinyama observed.

Zambia Humanitarian Actors Platform Coordinator Simon Mwamba
The Zambia Humanitarian Actors Platform sought rapid assessment to determine the extent of damage and losses incurred by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) directed by Patrick Kangwa, and led by Vice President, Inonge Mutukwa-Wina.