Keep hair short, Joyce Nonde-Simukoko prods Zambian girls
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Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Representative, Fabien Mambwe, UNESCO Country Representative, Joyce Saili, Nyumba Yanga Secondary School Head Teacher, Tiku Msoni Banda Labour and Social Security Minister, Ms. Joyce Nonde Simukoko Provincial Education Office (PEO) Representative, Senior Education Standards Officer, Ms. Rose Siziya, District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Ms. Priscilla Lydia Chulu-Mwanzah at Nyumba Yanga Secondary School Saturdaay 1st April 2017 Picture by Derrick Sinjela – Zambian Children Young People and Women in Development (ZCYPWD)
By Derrick Sinjela
PARENTS are spoiling children with cosmetics, laments Labour and Social Security Minister, Ms. Joyce Nonde-Simukoko during a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) sensitization breakfast meeting on Saturday 1st April 2017 in Lusaka hosted by Nyumba Yanga Secondary School Head Teacher, Tiku Msoni Banda.
Flanked by Provincial Education Office (PEO) Representative, Senior Education Standards Officer, Ms. Rose Siziya, District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Ms. Priscilla Lydia Chulu-Mwanzah, UNESCO Country Representative, Joyce Saili and Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Representative, Fabien Mambwe, Ms. Nonde-Simukoko argued that girls spend more time and money on looking good.

Labour Minister Joyce Nonde Simukoko at Nyumba Yanga Secondary School in Lusaka on Saturday 1st April 2017 pix by Derrick Sinjela
A straight-talking Ms. Simukoko implored parents and guardians to desist from encouraging children to wear make-up and expensive hair as such ornaments distract pupils and students from concentrating on school work.
Lusaka District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Ms. Priscilla Lydia Chulu-Mwanzah says parents and communities remain key in Comprehensive Sexuality Education, as burden of care is on their collective shoulders.

Ms. Annie Syulikwa a female Zambian Accountant in Lusaka
And a parent, Ms. Annie Syulikwa conceded that parents and guardians are increasing letting television and the internet guide children, thus imparting wrong interests and perceptions among young people.
“We are not taking interest in our children’s welfare. I suppose it is time we took heed of this caution by Ms. Nonde Simukoko discouraging cosmetics among learners,” said Ms. Syulikwa, an accountant by profession.
Ms. Syulikwa concurred with Ms. Nonde Simukoko’s remarks that Zambia’s have a poor reading culture, which continues to hamper dissemination of correct information of cross cutting development.

Labour and Social Security Minister Ms. Joyce Nonde-Simukoko with Lusaka District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Ms. Priscilla Lydia Chulu-Mwanzah – Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) sensitization breakfast meeting on Saturday 1st April 2017 Picture by Derrick Sinjela – Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA).