Rainbow news zambia

A look at the Leadership Movement (LM) in Zambia

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  By Dr. Richard Silumbe President of the Leadership Movement The Leadership Movement (LM) is a political party Calling for Action to reclaim the Zambian vision and deliver the great gift to future generations – The Great Zambia 2021 will mark the end of the old Zambia and the beginning of a new Zambia; a 21st Century leadership will emerge. A new government will be ushered in; a government that will be open for service 24/7 all year round, anytime, anywhere; a government that will deliver a great gift to future generations – A Great Zambia. It will be a...

Get Leadership Movement (LM) Manifestos on +260 973 607 500 & +260 966 318 345

Get Leadership Movement (LM) Manifestos on +260 973 607 500 & +260 966 318 345

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The LM Party Manifesto book is now available! get yourself a copy, contact us by call/text to 0973607500/0966318345 or… Posted by Leadership Movement on Sunday, February 2, 2020 The Leadership Movement (LM) is a political party Calling for Action to reclaim the Zambian vision and deliver the great gift to future generations – The Great Zambia 2021 will mark the end of the old Zambia and the beginning of a new Zambia; a 21st Century leadership will emerge. A new government will be ushered in; a government that will be open for service 24/7 all year round, anytime, anywhere; a government...

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema Press Conference Thursday 6th February 2020

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WATCH LIVE: Addressing the Nation through the press from our party Headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia. We remain resolute of a better and united Zambia for all.Tell us where you are watching us from. Posted by Hakainde Hichilema on Thursday, February 6, 2020 *Hakainde Hichilema talks tough, urging* *Zambians to cherish a better life* By Derrick Sinjela UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema is worried that while Zambians are suffering in abject poverty, a few are currently swimming in wealth and a life of plenty. Mr. Hichilema is worried that a lot of children do not have access...

Freezing of 453 teaching positions in Western Province is an ‘Administrative Taboo’ protests NAQEZ Executive Director Aaron Chansa Press Release- Wednesday 5th February, 2020

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By Aaron Chansa Executive Director +260979 552885 qualityeducationzambia@gmail.com Revelations by Mr Stanley Mhango, the Chairperson of the Teaching Service Commission (TSC), to the effect that a total number of 453 teaching positions in Western Province have been frozen, can perfectly be described as administrative taboo by National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ). We find it significantly odd that Senior Education Officers in Western Province could be this inefficient to an extent of failing to simply fill positions that fell vacant. NAQEZ totally agrees with the Teaching Service Commission that this kind of open maladministration must be duly punished.This...

Comrades Derricks Mwendafilumba congratulates Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prof Mulindi Mwanahamuntu

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Comrades Derricks Mwendafilumba: Congratulations Prof Mulindi Mwanahamuntu, Associate Professor obstetrics and gynecology and gynecology Levy Mwanawasa-Medical Medical University. Your dedication to duty and hardwork have been recognised and rightly rewarded. More work for you as you combine with Head Clinical Services Women and newly both Hospital UTH. Eva Mpheza Wonani Con gal rat u lat ions to this powerful team. You all deserve it, GOD BLESS YOU. Stella Chinkumbi Mwanas… Nice, congrats. Mahe Mwape Ni Liseli Big Bro ka appointment start of March is great mwe! Minah Mweemba Mutuna Congratulations. Selina Soko aisha..👏👏👏👌. Cheelo Kanyemba Jere Congratulations 👏👏. Hazel N...

Aspire, Acquire, Prosper  Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS)

Aspire, Acquire, Prosper Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS)

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Aspire, Acquire, Prosper Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS) 5309 Dedan Kimathi Road Lusaka, Zambia 10101 +260971745541 www.zcas.ac.zm Highlights info row image Hours 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Open NowACCA accredits ZCAS University Degrees Advert-May2018 Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Historical Background of the Ngololombe and Goteke Traditional Musical Instrument, Nkole, by Senior Chief Mburuma

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Historical Background of the Ngololombe and Goteke Traditional Musical Instrument, Njole, by Senior Chief Mburuma,… Posted by Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 People and Culture Zambia’s contemporary culture is a blend of values, norms, material and spiritual traditions of more than 70 ethnically diverse people. Most of the tribes of Zambia moved into the area in a series of migratory waves a few centuries ago. They grew in numbers and many travelled in search of establishing new kingdoms, farming land and pastures. Before the colonial period, the region now known as Zambia was the home of a number of...

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