A look at the Leadership Movement (LM) in Zambia
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By Dr. Richard Silumbe President of the Leadership Movement
The Leadership Movement (LM) is a political party Calling for Action to reclaim the Zambian vision and deliver the great gift to future generations – The Great Zambia
2021 will mark the end of the old Zambia and the beginning of a new Zambia; a 21st Century leadership will emerge. A new government will be ushered in; a government that will be open for service 24/7 all year round, anytime, anywhere; a government that will deliver a great gift to future generations – A Great Zambia.
It will be a Zambia where people shall dream of great things. Corruption would have died, Tribalism would have deceased, and Superstition (witchcraft and Satanism) would have been the thing of the past! It will be a Zambia of achievements; it will be a Zambia of greatness!
Government offices will be filled with people with four ‘I’s: Intuition, Imagination, Innovation, and Inspiration to make Zambia a great country like never before.
Universities will start producing practical minded graduates who will be inventors, innovators and makers of things! Graduates who will drive the economy and provide visionary leadership to this country!
We will work tirelessly and unrelentingly to ensure that no vulnerable person is left behind. No orphan will be left to walk the streets in search of food. No widow will be left alone to fend for her family. It will be a government that will feed the hungry, that will heal the sick, that will comfort those who are widowed, and provide shelter to the homeless!
We will transform land into an asset for all Zambians, Zambians in cities, towns and villages will own land with title deeds! They will be able to use land as collateral to banks so they can access money to develop their land. They will no longer be tenants in their own country! They will no longer be squatters in their own country! Zambians will no longer be displaced from their land by anyone be it a chief, be it a foreigner, be it government. Zambians will be able to lease their land to foreign investors only on a ‘landlord – tenant’ relationship, and not the other way round.
Zambia will become the production centre of Africa! We will transform desolate villages into agricultural mega food stores, forgotten towns into industrial power houses, and barren cities into skyscraper show grounds. Concrete roads will link every home in villages, towns and cities; Nuclear power will light the bulbs of every home in villages, towns and cities; Zambian made products will flood our markets in villages, towns and cities.
We will start making things! Zambian cement will pave our roads, Zambian steel will send skyscrapers to the sky, Zambian uranium will power our nuclear plants, Zambian copper will supply electricity to the remotest village. Zambian glass will shape our buildings, and Zambian electric cars will fill our roads. Mine workers and pensioners will own shares in the mines. Secondary industries will sprout out to process copper and other raw materials into finished products, these we will export.
There will be jobs! Government will triple in size to be open for service 24/7 all year round; men and women in uniform (ZNS, Zambia Police e.t.c) will double, then triple, then quadruple, then pentacaple until no man/woman walks the streets in search of jobs that do not exist. There will be labour shortage in Zambia!
Zambian entrepreneurs and Zambian businesses will get tax breaks and tax holidays to grow their businesses so they can compete with foreign businesses. Then Zambian Companies will grow bigger and better, they will go global, conquer Africa and compete with multinationals; Zambian Universities will go global, civilize Africa and compete with Oxford, MIT and Harvard; Zambian Media will go global, bring African news to the world and compete with Aljazeera, BBC and CNN; and in this process of globalization, the Zambian embassy in every country will be your host, your home and your workplace.
And most of all, we will heal the Zambian spirit and rediscover our lost values! We will stand strong and free like our founding fathers did in the struggle for independence: Donald Siwale, Mbikusita Lewanika, Harry Mwanga Nkumbula, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, and Kenneth Kaunda. With a renewed spirit, we will sing of Zambia proud and free, land of work and joy and unity! Like a noble eagle in its flight, we will rise above our challenges as One Zambia – One Nation!
My dear friends, the clock is ticking, the sun is rising, the new day is dawning, and this is the moment! And we have a power, a power derived from He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, a power to change our lifestyle, a power to make things new, a power to make a great Zambia.
Therefore, join us in our mission to deliver the great gift to future generations – The Great Zambia.