Rainbow news zambia

Zambia’s National Development Planning Ministry dispels false Census reports

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  MNDP/5/6/1 Media Statement For Immediate Release  LUSAKA, Thursday, 13th February, 2020 – It has come to our attention that some unscrupulous people are circulating fake advertisements and attributing the same to the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats). The fake advertisements are inviting unsuspecting members of the public to apply for jobs, at a fee, as enumerators in the 2020 Census of Population and Housing. The Ministry of National Development Planning being the parent Ministry for the Zambia Statistics Agency wishes to dispel these fake advertisements. We further wish to assure Zambians that adverts offering employment opportunities for individuals interested to...

Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists for 2020 fellowship program – application deadline is March 6, 2020

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DAG HAMMARSKJÖLD FUND FOR JOURNALISTS 132 East 43rd Street, No. 457 New York, NY  10017 917-577-4568 │www.unjournalismfellowship.org __________________ APPLICATIONS INVITED FOR JOURNALISM FELLOWSHIPS AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS New York, NY.  The Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists is now accepting applications from professional journalists for its 2020 fellowship program. The application deadline is March 6, 2020. The fellowships are available to radio, television, print and web journalists, age 25 to 35, who are interested in coming to New York to report on international affairs during the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly during the opening 10 weeks.  Travel and...

Media Statement by Operation Young Vote on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)’s Position on discontinuing of sponsoring stakeholder to Monitor the Printing of Ballot Papers in Dubai

Media Statement by Operation Young Vote on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)’s Position on discontinuing of sponsoring stakeholder to Monitor the Printing of Ballot Papers in Dubai

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Delivered at a Media Briefing by Guess Nyirenda (Mr.) On Behalf of Operation Young Vote (OYV) At Premier Hotel, Cairo Roan (Kenneth Kaunda House) Lusaka, Zambia Time: 14:00 hours Date: Sunday 9th February, 2020:     OPERATION YOUNG VOTE (OYV) Lotti House, 6th Floor, Suite 21, Cairo Road P.O. Box 30153 Email: oyvleader2000@gmail.com Cell: 0955/77-769 688 LUSAKA   Sunday 9thFebruary, 2020: Media Statement by Operation Young Vote on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)’s Position on discontinuing of sponsoring stakeholder to Monitor the Printing of Ballot Papers in Dubai All protocol observed. Fellow Citizens and the Media: Introduction Operation Young...

University of Zambia (UNZA) and National Savings and Credit (NATSAVE) Bank partner in climate change mitigation drive – “Plant a Tree” Campaign

University of Zambia (UNZA) and National Savings and Credit (NATSAVE) Bank partner in climate change mitigation drive – “Plant a Tree” Campaign

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By: Brenda Bukowa (Ms.) Head – Communication and Marketing, University of Zambia (UNZA) …and Patricia Luhanga (Ms.) Manager – Public Relations National Savings and Credit Bank (NATSAVE) LUSAKA, Thursday 13th February, 2020 – The University of Zambia (UNZA) and the National Savings and Credit (NATSAVE) Bank have partnered in efforts aimed at mitigating climate change. Global warming has been described as the greatest threat facing humanity with potential to cause significant climate change with dire consequences for humanity and the environment. It is against this background that the two partners have taken measures to reduce the negative effects of climate change....

Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company on anonymous suspected water poisoning

Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company on anonymous suspected water poisoning

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By Nshamba M. Muzungu PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER Thursday 13th February, 2020 For Immediate Release LUSAKA Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC) has been made aware of the alarming message being circulated on social media alleging that one of our major water sources is suspected to have been poisoned. We have taken note and we are looking into the matter with urgency. Should we find anything confirming the rumour, we shall urgently inform our esteemed customers. All our key water installations remain under 24/7 security guard and our water surveillance team has been conducting routine water quality sampling and testing. For...

Mwelwa Muleya meets former 4th Mongolian President, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

Mwelwa Muleya meets former 4th Mongolian President, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

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CHIEF Information, Education and Training at the Zambian Human Rights Commission  Mr. Mwelwa Muleya talking with former Mongolian President, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj. He served from 18th June 2009 to 10th July 2017, for 8 years and 22 days as President, for two terms after being re-elected in 2012. He believes “There is no justice where there is no life”, in his support to replace the Death Penalty with Life Imprisonment, which he did in Mangolia. “If someone is sentenced to life imprisonment he [she] will everyday be thinking about the crime. That is the real punishment”, he argues. Before becoming President, he was Prime...

Former LAZ President Linda Kasonde (Left) and her successor Eddie Mwitwa (Right

Joint CSO Statement dated Monday 10th February 2020 on the Threatened Abolishment of ‘The University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers’ Union (UNZALARU)’

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By JOINT CSO-Zambia   THE undersigned civil society organisations are gravely concerned by the moves by Government to abolish the University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers’ Union (UNZALARU), purportedly for “unbridled insults” from the Union. We note that UNZALARU has been critical of the Government on various issues relating to the governance of the country. Whilst civility is encouraged in engaging with the Government, the attempt to abolish UNZALARU appears to be a measure to curb dissent. This is very worrying in a country that purports to be a democracy where the market place of ideas should be allowed to flourish and...

DEC arrests 3 Zimbabwean and 4 Zambian nationals in Eastern Province for 4 tonnes of cannabis trafficking

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By Theresa Katongo, Public Relations Officer, Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) LUSAKA, Thursday, 13th February, 2020 – The Drug Enforcement Commission has arrested seven (7) people involving three (3) Zimbabwean and four (4) Zambian nationals in Eastern Province for trafficking in over 4 tonnes of cannabis, contrary to Chapter 96 of the laws of Zambia. The three Zimbabweans include; Daniel Chikanikise, 29, a driver jointly charged with Joseph Moyo, 31, for trafficking in 3.47 tonnes of loose cannabis and Rabecca Moyo, 48, a business woman for trafficking in 667 kilograms of loose cannabis. The trio was at the time of arrest, discovered to have been...

Press Statement on the Commemoration of World Radio “Radio and Diversity”. 

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By Fr. Winfield Kunda Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB)-Communications Director Wednesday 12th February 2020 Radio has continued to be a critical source of information for many in society as it commands a lot of following due its ease accessibility. Indeed, it is a medium that has that capacity to reach out the widest audience and it can shape a society’s experience of diversity. Radio can stand as an arena for all voices to speak out, be represented and heard. If put into good use, radio stations should serve diverse communities, offering a wide variety of programs, viewpoints and content,...

Tuesday 11th February, 2020: APRM National Governing Council (NGC) Media Statement

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The National Governing Council (NGC) of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in Zambia would like to commend the Government of the Republic of Zambia for embracing the Mechanism since the country acceded to it in 2006. Particularly the NGC would like to pay tribute to the National Assembly (Parliament) of Zambia for deciding to make the APRM as one of its priority focus areas for the year 2020. It is indeed gratifying that Parliament asked and invited before its Parliamentary Select Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Rights, National Guidance, Gender Matters and Governance a number of...

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