Rainbow news zambia

A Book Review Title: Adventures In Zambian Politics – A story in Black and White Author: Guy LindsayScott

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A Book Review Title: Adventures In Zambian Politics – A story in Black and White Author: Guy Scott Number of Pages: 251 Publisher: Lynne Reiner Publishers Inc Price: ZMK450 (Hard Cover) Year: 2019 It is probably the first book that discloses the sickness of Zambia’s fifth President Michael Chilufya Sata and the political shenanigans that took place behind closed doors. Guy Scott, a putative close friend of Sata, takes the reader inside the presidential bedroom where he found Sata very sick and bedridden and yet the nation, including himself as Vice President, was not told. “I plonked myself down in...

Human Resource Indispensable to development, prods NAZ Clerk Cecilia Nsenduluka Mbewe 

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By http://www.parliament.gov.zm  Clerk of the National Assembly of Zambia Mrs Cecilia Nsenduluka Mbewe has said it is indisputable that national development is only achievable through the labour force, which is a factor of production in every industry. Speaking during the National Assembly of Zambia 2018 Labour Day Awards presentation ceremony on Friday, 29th June, 2018 at Parliament Buildings in Lusaka, Mrs Mbewe stated that human resource is the most indispensible of all factors of production.  She congratulated all members of staff for their devotion to duty and urged them to even do more. The Labour Day Awards ceremony was held under...

Trump’s prayer breakfast jibes jolt many faith leaders

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https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-prayer-breakfast-jibes-jolt-204832170.html DAVID CRARY Associated Press•February 6, 2020 Faith leaders divided over Trump’s prayer breakfast NEW YORK (AP) — The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders. “A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the...

‘Andrew Kamanga riding on greediness’

‘Andrew Kamanga riding on greediness’

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By Maybin Augustine Katungulu   FIRST and foremost, I should state that I have no personal hatred against Andrew Kamanga instead I simply write my thoughts out of concern with what is happening at Football Association of Zambia (FAZ). Certainly, football for many Zambians is like food or a favourite cold beverage which now is being destroyed by some fish individuals who are seeing it as an avenue to make money, since for them every thing is about money. I wish to quickly state that Andrew Kamanga is riding on an extreme greediness to have everything to himself. I have...

United Prosperous Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) Launch Speech by President Charles Chanda on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Pretoria, South Africa 

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LAUNCH SPEECH BY CHARLES CHANDA (UPPZ PRESIDENT) Tuesday, October 25, 2016 · Pretoria, South Africa  Distinguished guests, friends from the media fraternity, ladies and gentlemen. I count this as a great honor to lead an organization which is about to shape the political field of our nation though being in its infancy stage Today is a historic day in the history of our nation. We are standing up as expressed in our nation Anthem “Stand and sing of Zambia Proud and Free”. Future generation will remember that on this historic day, we stood up against all odds to raise up a voice...

Media Statement by Operation Young Vote on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)’s Position on discontinuing of sponsoring stakeholder to Monitor the Printing of Ballot Papers in Dubai

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Delivered at a Media Briefing by Guess Nyirenda (Mr.) on Behalf of Operation Young Vote (OYV) at Premier Hotel Lusaka 14:00 hours Sunday 9th February, 2020:  OPERATION YOUNG VOTE (OYV) Lotti House, 6th Floor, Suite 21, Cairo Road P.O. Box 30153 Email: oyvleader2000@gmail.com Cell: 0955/77-769 688 LUSAKA Sunday 9th February, 2020: Media Statement by Operation Young Vote on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)’s Position on discontinuing of sponsoring stakeholder to Monitor the Printing of Ballot Papers in Dubai All protocol observed. Fellow Citizens and the Media: Introduction Operation Young Vote (OYV) notes and appreciates the mammoth mandate bestowed on the...

Is Zambia a malaria free nation?

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By Derrick Sinjela – posted in ‎Cry My Beloved Country Zambia on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 HEALTH specialists at Lusaka’s Ndeke House argue that Zambia will soon become a malaria free nation following steadfast interventions mounted to keep the world number one killer disease at bay. Perhaps as an assurance of this resolve, a Zambia National Malaria Indicator Survey 2010 (ZNMIS), her capital city-Lusaka has already become a malaria free zone. Directorate of Public Health & Research at the Ministry of Health (MoH) Director Dr. Victor Mukonka is excited that years of investment in research and interventions are yielding positive...

Govt wins hearts in Chikankata …Dr Puma Lwipa reopens biomedical centre

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By Mukobeko Fumani and Derrick Sinjela in Chikankata Mission, Mazabuka District  Friday October 5 2007 GOVERNMENT and The Church are said to be partners in any nations Development process. This long held goal has always been acknowledge by the politicians and ecumenical stakeholders. This statement came alive again on Friday October 5 2007 when Deputy Minister of Health Puma Lwipa officiated the official re-opening of The Salvation Army College of Biomedical Sciences at Chikankata Mission which is 125 kilometers in Mazabuka District. Before the re-opening, Head of Clinical Services, Dr Gardner Siakantu, MOH Spokesperson Dr Canisius Banda District Administrator Wilson Sianduka, Chiefteness Mwenda of...

Speech by His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu,President of the Republic of Zambia and Commander–in–Chief of the Defence Force, during the Commissioning of Kala Barracks in Kawambwa, Luapula Province on Thursday, 13th February 2020

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Speech by His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu,President of the Republic of Zambia and Commander–in–Chief of the Defence Force, during the Commissioning of Kala Barracks in Kawambwa, Luapula Province on Thursday, 13th February 2020 State House Lusaka The Honourable Minister of Defence, Mr. Davies Chama, MP; Honourable Cabinet Ministers; Provincial Ministers present; Permanent Secretary Ministry of Defence; Permanent Secretaries from other Ministries; Members of Parliament present; The Army Commander, Lieutenant General William Sikazwe; Service Chiefs; General Grade Officers; Members of PJOC; District Commissioner for Luapula; Your Royal Highnesses present; Members of DJOC; Officers; Army Sergeant Major; Warrant Officers; Non-commissioned Officers;...

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