Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company on anonymous suspected water poisoning
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Nshamba M. Muzungu Public Relations Officer at Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company

Official Launch of the Lusaka Water Security Initiative (LuWSI) 09 December 2016
By Nshamba M. Muzungu
Thursday 13th February, 2020 For Immediate Release
LUSAKA Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC) has been made aware of the alarming message being circulated on social media alleging that one of our major water sources is suspected to have been poisoned.
We have taken note and we are looking into the matter with urgency. Should we find anything confirming the rumour, we shall urgently inform our esteemed customers.
All our key water installations remain under 24/7 security guard and our water surveillance team has been conducting routine water quality sampling and testing. For further investigations, we have taken a step to report the matter to the Zambia Police and ZICTA.
The public is advised to contact LWSC offices to lodge any complaint or to pass on any information that they may have. Our customer service office is also available on 02112515710, 211250002 and the toll free line 5957 for ZAMTEL network users only, or email: