Category: Gender & health

LDC Watch Calls for Better Trade Terms for LDCs in the MC11

LDC Watch Calls for Better Trade Terms for LDCs in the MC11

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By Gershom Kabaso THE 11th Ministerial Conference (MC11) of World Trade Organisation (WTO), which will see the gathering of officials from 164 member countries, has convened in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 10 to 13 December, 2017. A wide number of agenda that carry specific concern to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) including agriculture domestic support, Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM), Public Stockholding (PSH), fisheries subsidies, Special and Differential Treatment (S&DT), and service domestic regulation, among many others, are on table for discussion. Besides these issues, developed countries and a number of developing countries are moving towards newer issues beyond the Doha...



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By Brian Chisengalumbwe President But generally, the question God-fearing and cultured citizens, patriotic citizens, those that genuinely love this country keep asking is, ‘How did we get here? How did we find ourselves the laughing stock of all nations? How did we allow our resources to be plundered? Be that as it may, the more important question we have to ask ourselves is‘How are we going to get ourselves out of this mess? The truth is, we are suffering for our ‘sins’ and ‘sins’ of those who have gone before us; our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and those who have gone before them. Our ANCESTORS and OURSELVES, WE continue to ignore our HERITAGE and our CREATOR. Scripture...

European Union Zambia COMESA-Vacancies Secretaries-Political & Economic

European Union Zambia COMESA-Vacancies Secretaries-Political & Economic

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EUROPEAN UNION  DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TO THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA AND COMESA VACANCY NOTICES  The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA is looking for 1. SECRETARY Political, Press and Information section – (Local Agent, Group 3) 2. SECRETARY Economics, Rural Development and Regional Cooperation section – (Local Agent, Group 3)  For the full details of these vacancy notices, please access the following links: Closing date is 04/05/2018 at 17:00 hrs.  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Sampa family pillar Ms. Doris Chanda Sampa extolled

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By Derrick Sinjela   PATRIOTIC Front (PF) Kasama Central Member of Parliament . (MP) Kelvin Mutale Sampa buried his Elder Sister and family pillar, Ms Chanda Doris Sampa at Leopards Memorial Park Lusaka Tuesday 26th December 2017. After a requiem mass at Lusaka’s St. Ignatius parish, presided by Deacon Paul Bwalya and Deacon Lazarous Mbukwa Chewe, , Patriotic Front Deputy Spokesperson, Father Frank Bwalya conveyed President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s grief over the demise of Ms. Sampa. And Water Affairs, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Permanent Secretary (PS) Bishop Dr. Edward Chomba encouraged the bereaved family to soldier as the departed relation...

Remarks of U.S. Ambassador Daniel L. Foote  Opening of Youth Dialogue at National Assembly

Remarks of U.S. Ambassador Daniel L. Foote Opening of Youth Dialogue at National Assembly

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Clerk of the National Assembly Mrs. Cecilia Mbewe Honourable Member of Parliament Chinga Miyutu representing Kalabo Constituency Honourable Member of Parliament Listed Tembo representing Kaumbwe Constituency Honourable Member of Parliament Olipa Mwansa Phiri representing Nyimba Constituency Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Child Development representatives National Youth Development Council representatives Youth leaders, alumni, students, university faculty Members of the press Distinguished guests Thank everyone for coming   The Embassy of the United States is pleased to support Zambia’s efforts to increase transparency and good governance.  In particular, we are proud to support the efforts of Zambia’s future leaders — your youth...

Zambia launches Integrated Health Situation Room to Fast-Track progress towards Ending AIDS, TB and Malaria

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By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka The Zambia Integrated Health Situation Room centralizes health data for HIV, Tuberculosis (TB), maternal health and Malaria to ensure more effective and precise programming to reach more people with services. Lusaka/ZAMBIA, 6 March 2018—Inonge Mutukwa Wina, the Vice-President of Zambia, and Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), today launched an innovative new tool to track progress and identify gaps in HIV, TB, maternal health and Malaria programming in Zambia. The Zambia Integrated Health Situation Room shows in real-time service delivery data and produces a comprehensive picture and understanding...

Tenth ICT4D Conference To Focus On Impact For Development Sector. Takes Places In Lusaka, Zambia, 8 – 10 May 2018

Tenth ICT4D Conference To Focus On Impact For Development Sector. Takes Places In Lusaka, Zambia, 8 – 10 May 2018

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By Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA)  Lusaka, Zambia, 18 April 2018: ICT4D Conference 2018, the largest event of its kind for the humanitarian development sector, this year aims at mapping out to the path for technology to make the maximum impact on improving humanitarian relief and development work. This 10th conference brings together over 600 ICT experts, programme managers and senior executives from 80 countries, from NGO staff to academics, technology business leaders, governments and UN agencies. The importance of the conference for Africa and beyond is reflected by the honour of Zambia’s President, H.E. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, being expected to...

TopStar’s Cliff Kachinga Sichone unveils ‘Ndiye Itambika’

TopStar’s Cliff Kachinga Sichone unveils ‘Ndiye Itambika’

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By Derrick Sinjela TopStar Sales Director, Cliff Kachinga Sichone launched  ‘Ndiye Itambika’ campaign in which the price of the Direct to Home -DHT- decoder combo has been reduced from K299 to K1 99 Kwacha with a one-month free subscription. Mr. Sichone assured the local market that customers purchase purchasing the digital -DTT- decoders priced at K99 will equally enjoy the one-month free subscription. A delighted Mr. Sichone said TopStar is resolved to guaranteeing households in Zambia’s ten provinces, namely; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western to access to quality and affordable digital television. “In line with...

TopStar’s1,000 local firms creating jobs, brags Cliff Kachinga Sichone

TopStar’s1,000 local firms creating jobs, brags Cliff Kachinga Sichone

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By Derrick Sinjela AS A responsible corporate entity, TOPSTAR Sales Director Cliff Sichone says the telecommunications and pay television s brand is complementing the Zambian job creation agenda through interactive business synergy with  1,000 local firms. TopStar built as a  Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and StarTimes of China joint venture, is earnestly transitioning Zambia from analogue to digital television (TV) signal transmission. Mr. Sichone brags that the public-signal distributor is collaborating with business outlets across Zambia’s 10 provinces namely; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western increasing access to digital television. “TopStar is committed to creating...

Sweden’s Margot Wallström fights gender inequalities

Sweden’s Margot Wallström fights gender inequalities

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By Nelson Banda in Stockholm, Sweden SWEDISH Minster of Foreign Affairs Ms. Margot Wallström has opened a Gender Forum to intensify international efforts for promoting gender equality, witnessed by over 600 global delegates in the Swedish Capital, Stockholm. The Forum has brought key representatives from civil society organizations, governments, business, and academia to find solutions, take new initiatives, and strengthen co-operation in the international fight for gender equality. The Forum is hosted by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Institute in collaboration with Swedish International Development agency (SIDA) and the Folke Bernadotte Academy. “The conference is construed as...

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