Sweden’s Margot Wallström fights gender inequalities
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By Nelson Banda in Stockholm, Sweden
SWEDISH Minster of Foreign Affairs Ms. Margot Wallström has opened a Gender Forum to intensify international efforts for promoting gender equality, witnessed by over 600 global delegates in the Swedish Capital, Stockholm.

Sweden’s Margot Wallström fights gender woes
The Forum has brought key representatives from civil society organizations, governments, business, and academia to find solutions, take new initiatives, and strengthen co-operation in the international fight for gender equality.
The Forum is hosted by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Institute in collaboration with Swedish International Development agency (SIDA) and the Folke Bernadotte Academy.
“The conference is construed as a platform creating possibilities for grass root and high level participants from all over the world to meet, share knowledge and inspire political leaders to take bold action tackling gender inequalities,” prods Ms. Wallström,.
Despite some progress, inequality and discrimination of girls and women remains one of the greatest human rights challenges.
The forum is mobilising forces to achieve the global goals under Agenda 2030 and will focus on critical issues related to women’s and girls’ rights, representation, and access to resources.
During the forum, participants will identify the biggest challenges, as well as possible solutions, for the fight for gender equality, share experiences and good examples as well as build networks. Zambia is represented by the Ministry of Gender, the Zambian National Men’s Network, and National Legal Clinic for Women and the Women’s Museum.