Remarks of U.S. Ambassador Daniel L. Foote Opening of Youth Dialogue at National Assembly
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U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Lewis Foote

Vice President Inonge Mutukwa-Wina with President Lungu, Clerk of the National Assembly Celilia Nsenduluka Mbewe and Anti-Corruption Commission Director General Zacharia Kapetwa Phiri
Clerk of the National Assembly Mrs. Cecilia Mbewe
Honourable Member of Parliament Chinga Miyutu representing Kalabo Constituency
Honourable Member of Parliament Listed Tembo representing Kaumbwe Constituency
Honourable Member of Parliament Olipa Mwansa Phiri representing Nyimba Constituency
Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Child Development representatives
National Youth Development Council representatives
Youth leaders, alumni, students, university faculty
Members of the press
Distinguished guests
Thank everyone for coming
- The Embassy of the United States is pleased to support Zambia’s efforts to increase transparency and good governance. In particular, we are proud to support the efforts of Zambia’s future leaders — your youth who make up 60% or more of your population – who seek to improve their communities, their country, and play a role in policy-making by working together with government representatives. It is an honor to be here today with this outstanding group of Zambian youth here at the Zambian National Assembly together with three of your distinguished and honorable Members of Parliament and many of your National Assembly staff to discuss ways that youth and the legislative branch have already partnered and how to realize greater achievements through continued collaboration.
- Today’s dialogue came about in 2017 when the Embassy of the United States partnered with the Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Child Development and our youth leadership contacts to launch a “Youth Dialogue” series of discussions that address challenges in harnessing the enthusiasm and strengths of Zambian young people to contribute to efforts to build a brighter future for this country. Our partners at the National Youth Development Council were also part of the program. The U.S. Embassy has so far hosted three discussions for youth leaders with panellists from the Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Child Development; Ministry of Local Government representatives; and Councilors from inside and outside of Lusaka. Today is our fourth such dialogue focusing on how youth can access the legislative branch in Zambia.
- Part of the takeaway messages from our discussions with the executive branch and local-level officials is that avenues for engagement do exist. Youth leaders have established a WhatsApp group involving Ministry and council officials to engage on community and national issues. They have learned how to access executive branch officials in person or through social media and that they can attend council meetings at the Civic Center or contact councillors through social media, among other avenues.
- For today’s discussion, we are fortunate to have three Members of Parliament representing different political parties and backgrounds. We have an independent MP, a member of the UPND and a member of the PF. We also are joined by Zambia’s youngest Member of Parliament, Mr. Listed Tembo. What an honour it is to be with all of you here today.
- The United States remains committed to promoting youth leadership through programs such as our Youth Dialogues that will continue through 2018, the U.S. Mandela Washington Fellowship exchange program, the YALI Regional Leadership Center in Johannesburg where many Zambian young leaders have taken free courses, YALI Network online courses, our American Center Women’s Wednesday and other programs, entrepreneurship boot camps, performing arts programs, and many other professional and academic exchanges.
- The United States believes that Zambian youth can and should work together with government representatives to overcome community challenges and participate in policy-making and governance. We encourage youth to partner with government and with each other to forge long-lasting relationships so that dialogue can be continuous and long-term. And we wish you the best in taking advantage of these youth dialogues to do just that.