Jesus’ birth is the solution for all problems, prods Father Kenneth Kasezya
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Kenneth Kasezya with niece Jane Destiny Phiri
The sermon at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross on 22 December 2019 being my last sermon as a priest of the cathedral.
Isaiah 7:10-16, Romans 1:1-7, Mathew 1:18-25
I will reflect with you on the theme
Jesus’ birth is the solution for all problems.
The challenge was not economic problems for God to send Jesus, otherwise he was going to send an economist.
The challenge was not health otherwise god was going to send a doctor.
Our main problem was salvation. We needed a spiritual savior.
For this reason Christmas is a special time for every believer but it can also be a difficult time for some because of the broken relationships and sad memories.
During Christmas some are celebrating and others are in pain. Let us remember them in prayer.
The Christmas we are celebrating in the next 2 days is a Christian Event., but because we Christians, we don’t realise the value Christmas has.
The secular world has taken over our event.
It has become a season of Exploitation. The Business world hick the price of every commodity Maximize on their profits.
The Christians themselves are lost in the event and eventually they miss the purpose for this birthday.
It is in this season that the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RATSA) record high numbers of accidents because people begin to drive faster than Ever before.
People begin to buy things including bear as if it is a wholesale, they want to resale.
They begin to drink as if it is the last time to drink.
In all this there is nothing wrong by celebrating but there is everything wrong if we lose the purpose of our celebration. Christmas is time of giving ourselves.
In the Gospel Narrative, 4 people gave up themselves for us to attain salvation.
The young man a carpenter gave up his reputation in obedience to God.
It was a great embarrassment for Joseph to impregnate a girl before marriage. Joseph did not do anything with Mary we all know this.
But then it was Gods plan that Jesus be born without a human father and Joseph was removed from the equation of man and (+) woman to produce a child.
God wanted a pure product without a sport for sacrifice. The combination of Joseph and Mary would have meant that Jesus was going to be born out sin and with sin.

Anglican priest Kenneth Kasezya
Another reason why Joseph was removed from the equation is that for Jesus to qualify to be 100% human and 100% divine was the combination of the woman and the power of the Holy Spirit.
This was the promise God made in the book of genesis immediately at the fall of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:15) before we get to the promise in Isaiah. that the seed of a woman will crush the head of the SNAKE on the cross.
In obedience to God Joseph took Mary for his wife
The second person who sacrificed was Mary herself. A young girl who Loved God with a pure was not easy for her, she was glad to receive that honor and also willingly give up her reputation
I am sure the story was all over the Community.
Thirdly it is God himself who gave his only son to be born as a human being. Sacrificial giving
Fourth and final person is Jesus who accepted to be born in a humble state, born as a helpless baby. Jesus came into this sinful, evil world and gave up his glory and majesty to become our Savior. (I now fully understand Isaiah 9:6 for to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace).
The festival season is a season to give ourselves. It is the season to be with the family and friends.
For the believers like you and me it is also a time to think about the real message of love and sacrifice beyond the celebration itself.
1. Make yourself available for God.
2. Treat others well
3. Follow the Holy Spirit
4. Parentage goes beyond giving birth. It is a responsibility
1. Make yourself Available
– God used Joseph and Mary because they were available.
– In today’s Old Testament reading King Ahaz is not available for God.
– He has been asked to put his trust in God but his response is that he doesn’t want to put God to test but in the actual sense he doesn’t mean it.
It’s just that he wants to use his own plans and effect.
2. Treat Others Well
Joseph’s life was full of humility which has to do with taking of his own ego out of the way and put others first.
When Joseph discovered that Mary was 4 months pregnant, Joseph had a choice to make. To bring it to the public to disgrace her. Or in grief to allow the community to stone her to death because that was the custom of the day.
Joseph decided to divorce Mary Quietly to protect her reputation. In all this he treated Mary compassion and respect.
Most Christians today don’t treat others well but capitalize on people’s mistake, weaknesses.
We judge people for sinning different from us.
The fact that your sin hasn’t been revealed does not make you to be an Angel.
Gluttons will rough at drunkards, we always say mine is better than that one. ( Tonse Nitumisango baba)
Joseph choose to deal with the matter quietly. Even in our homes today the husband wants to look better than the wife, wife wants to give a picture that she is better than the husband.

Father Charley Thomas
Joseph did not stick with religious traditions which we can call destructive. He did not act pious or becoming a puritan. (A Holier than thou syndrome).
Joseph and Mary obeyed the Holy Spirit. Obedience was costly to them but at the end of the day the blessing was beyond measures.
Our obedience is the key to what God wants to do in us, around us and through us.
We learn from Joseph that parenting is not the act of being a biological parent but it is a responsibility.
Joseph was not a biological parent to Jesus but he took responsibility and contributed greatly for the plan of God be executed. For Jesus to be born in the lineage of David as promised in book of Isaiah.
We enjoy the benefits salvation today because someone took responsibility.
The promise in Isaiah 7:10- 16 are realized
Emmanuel (God with us).
In our pains, he seems to be distant.
We may be tempted to say “God you have no idea what I am going through”.
You have no idea how bad I am hurting.
But Gods response is “yes” I do. He points at your wounds and then his own wounds and says. Look my child, I have wounds too.
I have entered your world and I know how you feel. I have been there.
I am Emmanuel “God with us”. I am with you all the time, I care and I am ready to help. That is what Christmas is all about.

Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross Dean Canon Charley Thomas with RDA PRM Loyce Saili pix by Derrick Sinjela
As I conclude the great mystery is not so much, how could He? But rather, why would He?
Why did Jesus choose to humble Himself and come to earth as a human being to be God with us?
Why did he leave His home in heaven to come down to earth to be crucified for sinners?
He was prepared to expose Himself to radical and punishment so that we might be saved and receive eternal life.
In the next 2, 3 days is Christmas day. Maybe you are thinking about all the presents you bought and the hope of receiving some presents.

Father Kenneth Kasezya graduates
Maybe you are thinking of the delicious food you will prepare for Christmas.
The question is? Is Jesus Christ in your picture? In your mind or it’s about yourself?
Find time today to think of Jesus.
You may even take a walk and begin to meditate and reflect.
Think about what the lord did for you on the eventful night when He was born. His suffering for our sake did not start in the garden of Gethsemane. His suffering started the day he was born.
How can we show our gratitude during this Christmas season?
Lord Jesus, thank you that that you were prepared to come to earth to heal our wounds, to save us and to give us eternal life. I will always be grateful. I will love you and serve you forever. Amen.