Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu chairs 24th last 2019 Cabinet Meeting
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Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu chairs 24th last 2019 Cabinet Meeting[social title=”Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu chairs 24th last 2019 Cabinet Meeting” subtitle=”” link=”” icon=”fa-adn”]
By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka
PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu convened a 24th Cabinet Meeting at State House on Monday 30th December, 2019, at which Seven (7) Cabinet Policy Decisions (CPDs) aimed at improving the general socio-economic environment of the country were agreed to.
The meeting chaired by Dr. Lungu backed Zambia’s Ratification of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
According to a Press Statement issued by Acting Chief Government Spokesperson, Steven Kampyongo, the Zambian Cabinet approved the ratification of the Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime on genocide.
“Cabinet is of the view that international cooperation for the prevention and punishment of genocide is of great importance because genocide is a potential menace to the peace and security of any country and the world at large,” reported Mr. Kampyongo, who is Home Affairs Minister and Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament (MP),
The Genocide Convention was adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly and came into force in 1951, has so far been ratified by a majority of the United Nations (UN) member states, which includes 20 from Africa.
“It is an international requirement and obligation for Zambia to ratify this Convention so as to be compliant with international best practices in the fight against genocide,” Kampyongo reiterated.
Secondly, the Zambian Cabinet equally approved the ‘Ratification of the Protocol for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation’ which the Acting Information and Broadcasting Services Minister said Cabinet had approved the ratification of the Protocol for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts against the Safety of the Maritime Navigation as this will prevent and supress terrorism against ships and will improve security aboard and ashore among Member States.
” The Convention was adopted by the International Conference on the Suppression on Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation at Rome on 10th March, 1988 and came into force on 1st March, 1992. It has so far been ratified by fifteen (15) Member States. Zambia is among the 29 countries that have not yet ratified the Convention. Cabinet is aware that, the ratification by Zambia is to show international solidarity and support to the fight against terrorism, as a Member of the UN, given that Zambia is a landlocked country and does not have a coastline of its own,” observed Kampyongo.
Thirdly, the Zambian Government had agreed to table the Tropical Diseases Centre (Repeal) Bill, 2019.
During the same Meeting, Kampyongo said Cabinet approved in principle to the introduction of a Bill in Parliament next year to repeal and replace the Tropical Diseases Research Centre Act, Chapter 301 of the Laws of Zambia in order to strengthen the legal and institutional framework that deals with research in health issues of National and public importance.
“The aim also is to ensure that the research undertaken in addressing health problems goes beyond tropical diseases, to include all communicable diseases such as TB and HIV/AIDS as well as non-communicable diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and mental health,” stressed Kampyongo.

PF Sec Gen Davies Mwila with KK and Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya pix by Derrick Sinjela
The Acting Chief Government Spokesperson explained that Zambia’s health needs had evolved over the last 37 years since the Tropical Diseases Research Centre Act was enacted in 1982.
The Water Supply and Sanitation (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was a Fourth Cabinet Policy Decision agreed to during the 24th Cabinet Meeting at State House on Monday 30th December 2019.
“We approved in principle to the introduction of a Bill in Parliament to repeal and replace the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997. This is in order to provide for mechanisms that will strengthen sustainable management and regulation of water supply and sanitation services by incorporating water supply and sanitation utilities as companies and providing for their functions and duties and license water supply and sanitation utilities and service providers.
The proposed repeal and replacement of the Act will enable Government, working in conjunction with key stakeholders, to promote and strengthen sustainable management and regulation of water supply and sanitation services and accelerate universal access to water and sanitation in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and Zambia’s 2030 Vision of providing clean and safe water and adequate sanitation for all by 2030 and thus contribute to enhanced human development in Zambia,” noted Kampyongo.
The ‘Ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozon’ layer’ was the fifth Cabinet Policy Decision agreed to which, in terms of international obligations, includes the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in order to phase out Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) production and consumption by roughly 85% by the year 2045 in order to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of HFCs as well as prevent a potential 0.5 degree Celsius rise in global temperature by the end of the century.
“The Ozone Depletion Substances (ODS) and HFCs have been identified as substances that deplete the ozone layer and cause global warming respectively,” observed Kampyongo.
Currently, the Zambian legislation regulates ODSs under the Environmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011 and the Environmental Management (Licensing) Regulations SI No. 112 of 2013.
However, Kampyongo regretted that there is no legislative framework for the regulation of HFCs.
“The ratification of the Amendment will, therefore, contribute to the reduction of global warming and will lead to enhanced human health and the environment as there will be need to provide for the regulation of HFCs in both the Act and the Regulations,” stated an optimistic Kampyongo.
The National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy was a Sixth (6th) Cabinet Policy Decision agreed to.
Cabinet further, approved the National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy and its Implementation Plan.
“It is incumbent on Government to ensure that Zambia’s water resources contribute to poverty reduction through increased access to safe water and sanitation as well as increased food security. Therefore, approval of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy is critical as it will guide and provide a framework for the sustainable, effective and efficient implementation of water supply and sanitation services in Zambia.
The seventh Cabinet Policy Decision agreed to was the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme 2019-2030 Phase II, which Kampyongo says will support the implementation of the approved National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy,
“Cabinet approved Phase II of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Programme for the period 2019 to 2030 in order to continue providing improved and accelerating access to water supply and sanitation services, especially in rural areas in line with the Vision 2030 which targets 100 percent access to water and sanitation by 2030,” said Kampyongo.
“The implementation of the NRWSSP II will play an important role in maintaining and improving upon the gains that Zambia has recorded to date as well as address any pitfalls faced and build on the lessons learnt in the provision of water and sanitation services during the implementation of the first NRWSSP,” read a Statement by Kampyongo issued under the auspices of the Office of the President and Cabinet Office in Lusaka.