Stepping into the unfamiliar
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By Nelson Longesha
‘You will never see a Miracle so long as being Miserable is okay!’

Nelson Longesha
Recently, a good friend of mine visited me all the way from Lusaka west to Libala Stage Four A along Burma Road. It was his first time visiting Libala. Taking into consideration that he had no idea of the area, I told him to get on a bus from town going to Woodlands and disembark at the Traffic lights just opposite Arakan Barracks. I also told him that when he disembarks at the traffic lights, he should seek for directions going at Kenneth Kaunda Technical School and I was to pick him up from there. The deal was set!
After some time about an hour later, he called me confirming he had arrived at Kenneth Kaunda Technical School. So I rushed to go and pick him up. It was such a joyful moment seeing him. I had not seen my friend in a long time. We discussed various issues as we were going at my place while taking a slow walk and the sun was shining gently.
‘‘Did you ask for directions after you had disembarked at the Traffic Lights?’’ I asked. He smiled confidently and said, ‘‘Nelson, I was monitoring my Google Map as I was coming here and it clearly guided me up to this School (In reference to Kenneth Kaunda Technical School).’’
Oops! I shook my head and whispered within myself, ‘‘Ooh! We are in the 21st century, a Digitalized World.’’ I somehow laughed at myself. However, the moment got me into deep thoughts and thought of sharing in today’s article what am calling ‘STEPPING INTO THE UNFAMILIAR.’
So, let’s rewind the scene once more. My Friend had never been to Libala Stage Four A. In fact, it was his first time coming to this place. Now, here is what’s fun. My friend had all the information about his journey at the finger tips. He had the details on his phone using Google Map system. Thanks to Technology! You are right.
In the same way, God has a plan for your life. Nelson, how do you know? Jeremiah 29v11 says for I know the plans I have for you. God has a route overview for your life. Before you were born, he knew you and laid out a plan for your life.
Now here is the problem! In fact, a big problem. The difference between God and Google Map system is that God doesn’t show you a Route overview for your life. My Friend knew his journey by monitoring Google Map. Unfortunately, God won’t tell you how long you have to go in life, what you will encounter and what to expect. The problem with us human beings is that we love the details. We love knowing. As a result, whenever we find ourselves in a situation that we don’t understand. We easily give up because we can’t see what God is seeing on his Map for our lives.
If you could see where that idea you have of running an Organization would take you, by now, you would been taking that idea seriously and working towards it. If you knew how your life will change after you get that diploma or that degree, by know you would have been taking your studies very serious.
But you may wonder! Why can’t God just give us the details for our lives? It is not a big deal; moreover, the bible says there is nothing impossible with God. Beloved, the reason is simple, if God had given us all the information about our future. There would be no need to have faith. Oh yeah! You heard me right!
The Road Map for our lives is with the creator of the universe. Just because you can’t see where you are going doesn’t mean simultaneously God can’t see. He keeps the details to himself so that you are given room to grow, to believe and to stretch out from your comfort zones.
The scripture says in Psalm 119 vs 105, ‘‘your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.’’ Lamp ladies and gentlemen means you have enough to see in front of you.

Nelson Longesha with Kakoma Chinyama
God is not giving you the light for the whole Journey 30 years from now for your life. It is just like headlights on a Car. If you are driving at night or just as a passenger on a vehicle, you will note that the headlights are providing light for a limited distance right in front of you. If you are going to town, the headlights won’t show you the entire journey. Some places will begin to show as you move forward. My challenge for you is, what blessings, partner, job could be waiting for you right now? Will you be bold enough to keep on moving even when you don’t understand?
Yes that previous partner of yours wasted your time. Took advantage of you, but are you going to stop moving just because of that pain. Or you will keep moving knowing that God has a better plan. Or you will allow emotions to have the final say?
In life we all want to be comfortable and that is okay, but if we are going to align ourselves with God who works in the supernatural, we need to understand that it is not always going to be comfortable. Therefore, we are not going to allow our pervious experience stop us from seeing the blessings of God. In fact, you will never see a Miracle so long as being miserable is okay!
In the scripture, we read about the story of Joshua and how he led the Israelites into the Promised Land. However, prior to that Joshua and the Israelites came to the Jordan River. There was no way to get across.
Previously, these people heard how Moses held up his Rod and the Red sea parted.
Am sure Joshua must have thought, ‘‘Ah! It is not a big deal. We saw how Moses dealt with this problem. But God changed the system. God had his own Map. He told Joshua to get the Priests to walk into the River and that the water would part.