ACSZ President Caroline Silwamba honours 2018 Media Awards Zambian Journalists
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ACSZ President Caroline Silwamba honours 2018 Media Awards Zambian Journalists at Lusaka’s Show Grounds, Great East Road
Committee of Management
ACSZ Management and Staff
Friends from the Media,
And Invited Guests
I welcome you all here with great pleasure, especially our journalists. This is the 10th ACSZ Media Awards. It is also the first year that we have decided to move the awards from the Annual General Meetings, so that it is held separately because of the importance we attach to the work of journalists who cover the annual Show.
We continue to be amazed at the coverage we receive during our Shows. The role our media plays to the Society is humbling and cannot go unnoticed. In this vein, the Society continues to be thankful and we are delighted to recognize you journalists in a special way. The work journalists do, helps the Society to make the Show international.
Ladies & Gentlemen

ACSZ Vice President Mrs Caroline M Silwamba and MUVI TV General Manager Mr Angel Phiri with Peter Chikwampu
May, I recognise our partnership with MISA Zambia who assist the Society in so many ways with their expertise; development of the awards and the Media workshops.
As a Society we also intend to expand the awards by further appreciating the efforts of the backline personnel such as the editors, producers, camera personnel, and recognition awards for media institutions whose management always find it fit to publish Show stories.

Favourite Jenala Kalando at QFM Radio Television
Currently we only award efforts of media personnel through coverage in the various media channels.
The categories are;
- The Best Print Media (Feature Story and Short Story).
- The Best Electronic Media (Radio and Television)
- The Best Online/Blogging
- The Best Photography
Ladies & Gentlemen
I wish also to mention here that we have started with the preparation for next’s Show whose Theme is “Embracing Industrial Development” and I further wish to refute the rumours and false social media publications that the Show grounds is relocating to another place. I would like to use this occasion to reaffirm that the Agricultural and Commercial Society of Zambia will never move its Shows to other locations other than the present Showgrounds.

Favourite Jenala Kalando When sleeping women wake, Mountains move via AWID conference
I am encouraging you the media to start writing stories now and not to wait for the Show next year so that you have a wide range of good and competitive articles and documentaries for the awards.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me now congratulate the winners of this year’s Agricultural show media awards to keep it up. To those who have not won this time do not give up but continue writing and submitting your good and positive stories about shows.
Finally, to all our invited guests who have come here to witness the awards I would like to thank you for your support.
May the Almighty God bless you all. Thank you.
Agricultural and Commercial Society of Zambia (ACSZ)
Society President Caroline Silwamba

ASCZ 2018 Media
Best Newspaper Feature Story
Derrick Silimina
(Agricoop Newspapers)

Mwenya Audrey Mofya
Best Radio News Story
Mwenya Mofya
(Live Radio)

Samuel Mbewe (right) hosts Party of National Unity (PNU) President Highvie Hamududu (centre) and Secretary General Kasote Singogo on Ama Radio (now Kwithu FM 93,3FM
Best Radio Documentary
Samuel Mbewe
(Kwithu FM)

Violet Nakamba Mengo with KK
Best Single Photo
Violet Mengo
(Zambia Daily Mail)

Favourite Jenala Kalando at REA 2017
Best Television News Story
Favourite Kalando

Jeff Kapembwa
Best News Blogger
Jeff Kapembwa
(Zambian Informer)