United States Government Awards $55,000 to Zambian Community Organizations
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US Ambassador Eric Schultz recognized the commitment and leadership of the grantee organizations
By Janet Deutsch Public Affairs Officer
Lusaka — On October 12, 2017, the Embassy of the United States of America awarded $55,000 to six Zambian community-based organizations through the U.S. Embassy Community Investment small grant program. The grants will expand economic opportunities and improve the standard of living in communities in four provinces.
At the signing ceremony which took place at the Embassy, U.S. Ambassador Eric Schultz recognized the commitment and leadership of the grantee organizations working to improve the lives of community members through sustainable projects that also bolster food security and sustainable development locally. He stated the U.S. Embassy is proud to provide these modest, but meaningful funding opportunities to dedicated organizations seeking their own solutions to economic shortcomings within their communities.
The U.S. government delivers financial support directly to Zambian organizations with sustainable, innovative ideas to serve traditionally underserved areas or populations. Grants awarded today will assist Action for Positive Change in the Chipata district to begin a bee-keeping operation for area youth; fund the Cheshire Homes Society-Kabulonga building renovation project for a mother – child recovery facility for children visiting Lusaka for medical care; establish a community-managed egg laying business through the Mulobelwa Multi-purpose Cooperative Society in Kaputa; and begin two groundnuts processing projects with the Natwesheko Multipurpose Cooperative Society in Mansa and with Participatory Education and Action for Community Empowerment in Luwingu.
The next application deadline for the Community Investment small grants isFebruary 28, 2018. The guidelines, project criteria and the application can be accessed at https://zm.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/small-grants-programs/ambassadors-self-help-fund/.