OYDC needs financial support for Innovations, Clement Chileshe
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By Ashton Kelly Bunda 14th October 2017
OLYMPIC Youth Development Center (OYDC) Director Clement Chileshe has announced that the life span of Zambia’s high performance center is reducing by the day as it hasn’t been maintained due financial challenges.
The emotional Chileshe narrated that OYDC one of the two “Sports for Hope Center” in the world apart from the other one in Haiti Southern America is under massive pressure as it is home to 20 sport disciplines and hosts 250 young athletes every week and 60,000 competitors annually, making it the busiest ever, he was speaking during media interaction at OYDC in Lusaka’s Matero Constituency, a parliamentary seat held by Patriotic Front (PF) Matero Member of Parliament (MP) Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya.
Chileshe explained that the prestigious facility serving as a utility play park for many youths finding solace in sports play host to 90 percent of children from low income brackets is on the brink of total dilapidation, visibly seen on the track and field area and other parts of the sports infrastructure.

The Permanent secretary in the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development Joe Kapembwa, pose for a group photo with ZJA/NOCZ president Alfred Foloko, Director of sport, Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development Bessy Chelemu, ZJA General Secretary Mabvuto N’guni, OYDC Director Clement Chileshe, NSCZ acting general secretary Raphael Mulenga, International Judo Federation (IJF) architecture Felix Fofiu, and other invited guests representing different sports associations.
“ As Sports for Hope Center” one of the two in the world , the other one in Haiti Southern America the facility is under massive pressure as it hosts 250 young athletes , causing wear and tear on the facility , we have out our away to make business initiates to keep the sports institution alive and kicking by hiring some of the conference rooms and venturing in to partnerships with the corporate world in maintaining the some facilities and using some spaces for advertising around area ,” Chileshe explained.

Clement Chileshe OYDC Director

Water Sanitation and environmental Protection Minister Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya checking on road encroachment
The OYDC Director was quick to explain that his administration has been intervening on several occasions to keep the sports facility alive and kicking through venturing in business initiatives, through engaging corporate society and Faith Based Organizations (FBO’s) hiring conference rooms and advertising space.
Chileshe who was at pains to explain to the media left ‘no stone untouched’ with the churches and entertainment world equally contributing as OYDC strives to raise necessary funds to pay workers and coaches who tutor children every week.
He said that his administration has managed to raise K8million through hiring some hiring some high class conference rooms and venturing in advertising and maintenancepartnerships and he disclosed that the government managed to contribute K750 thousand annually.

Chileshe narrated that his administration has been prompted to enter into negotiations with the un named business houses to build a 50 bed space dormitories for athletes within the premises to reduce pressure from the Chaminda lodge which is most of the times rented out to clients to raise funds.
Chileshe concluded by lamenting that the stampede that happened at OYCD early this killing and injured people over jostling for bags of mealy meal which was being handed out by church organization has caused harm to the facility as some clients demonized it and pulled out of business.