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Traditional Heritage
………….. Let’s interrogate life and find answers to most controversial unthinkable issues pertaining to this life.
*Author: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma Philosopher/Political Analyst.*
For us to make this conversation profitable and beneficial in a quest and desire to enrich ourselves with a wider knowledge and understanding of this life, it is important to interrogate it exclusively to unpack the meaning of thing we call life. So then, what is life?
My own understanding of the meaning and definition of life as a philosopher is that
*”Life is the ability of any living organism/thing to respire/breathe and metabolize.”*
Failure to do so is what we call death. So, DEATH is the cessation of respiration/breathing and the stoppage of metabolism in any living thing/ organism.
Now that we have successfully unpacked life and death respectively that the absence of life in organisms is death and vice-versa. The absence of death is life. I am sure we are together here.
The second thing we need to unpack is the (purpose) of organisms/living things on this earth. Let’s take, for instance, man in particular. What mission/ purpose does man have on earth?? On this one, this is where when you interview different people to get their views on this subject, you get different interpretations from one person to another. I have not yet got the right answer on the purpose of Man’s mission/purpose on this topic on earth because most people will say what they were told or taught and not what they have experienced and discovered themselves like what I have done myself after a very serious life interrogation, questioning already existential theories founded by other great thinkers in ancient times during the reign of Plato, Socrates, Matthius etcetera (etc) of ancient Greece. As for me, I know very little about these great thinkers who invented the definition of different governance systems, including modern democracy and government,state, and nation.
However, as for me, in this interrogation of life I have decided to analyze life using my personal abilities within me and not rely on other people’s theories because I have seen a lot of flaws and inconsistences as other theorists have drawn their theories based on perception about life and fail to substantiate their claims as is the case with the theory of evolution which I have tried to challenge in this article. WHY ?? because when I went deep to trace the source of education, source of any government or nation or state I discovered that education began by a mother teaching her baby and later on developed on a community level and the education system slowly started developing and along the way it started building up with modifications of conspiracies as soon as a family developed into a clan ,then community, to a section etc where certain information was concealed at some point for management of a greater of society. Hence certain information was tailored to manipulate human mind to think in a certain pattern in order to be easy to manage, hence in order to achieve this, different social sciences in universities were created to brain wash humans in order to be made to think in a certain direction which the architects of governance systems needed a community to be made to see things is a certain way for easy management and control for governance purposes.
*”Who invented education?”*,
* How did teaching start.
Again, a lot of people do not bother to ask who invented education or simply put, learning?
In my philosophical thinking, to put it easier for each one of us to understand, let me allow you my reader to just ask yourself a very basic question: Who taught you language? Or simply put, who was your language teacher? Most likely, especially those of us born in the 1960s in rural Africa, it was our mothers who, for the first 4 years, in exclusivity, taught us language. To be more specific, the origin of education teaching skills were naturally implanted in the first natural teacher who was never taught the first mother. A mother was the first teacher who was supervised by the husband as the head teacher. Simply put, the first school was your home.The mother taught the baby from unknown to known. The first subject is LINGUISTIC (Language) for communication purposes, ready to receive other life lessons after learning language. The second subject is practical sports, teaching the child how to stand, walk, and later run. Then the third subject was domestic politics (association) political boundaries, thou shall not eat in the neighbours’ house etc. A lot of “THOU SHALL NOT”
Other subjects are home economics for a girl child, and applied art for boy child. Therefore, education developed steadily as time went on.
On the other hand origin of any state also start from a family, then extended family then clan then this big big family that has grown into a large community is segmented into section, ward, Constituency, district, province, Nation and region eg SADC, then continent and finally the world 🌎 planet earth. All this is done for ease of control, management, and governance.
In my interrogation of this life doing a serious comparative analysis of life origin especially as regards to human origin, I have no doubt that humanity began as a result of two adults, male and female, being the origin of humanity and no other theory make sense to me. The theory of creation makes so much sense to me than any other theories put together, for example, big bang evolution theories. Just how does evolution explain how humans evolved? Was it a baby chimpanzee that started or a grown-up one? And if it was a grown-up one , how did male and female evolve separately together and then started mating for the female to get pregnant in order to produce its own species? If it was a baby chimpanzee, how possible was it able to fend for itself? The whole evolution story leaves a lot of questions unanswered and makes no sense. This is why at his death bed, Charles Darwin, the evolution theorist inventor, apologized for his flawed theory of evolution and acknowledged and authenticated creation story of a supernatural power being in charge of this orderly and intelligently designed life.
So then the biggest question I want to ask everyone reading this article is take for instance if all humans were wiped out from the face of the earth, what would you who is reading this article now what would be your loss? Take, for instance, and imagine in the next 130 years from now all humans who are living today, no one of them will be around! All of us will be gone! So then, what would each one of us have lost besides life? My answer is NOTHING! Remember, each one of us came on earth with nothing , and in the same way, we will leave this earth with nothing.
In life, you can only lose what you had. A lot of people are asking questions about death and are very worried about it because they say to themselves death is a mystery or a mith because they really do not know what happens after death as no body who has ever died has come back to life to explain where they had gone to describe their experience there whilst here in the land of the dead. But I have answers for you on this topic. Death is a serious illusion. This is why no one has successfully unpacked it, but everyone has kept on saying death is a mystery. In a separate wisdom corner topic, I will unpack death for us to an extent that I will make all of us admit that indeed death is an illusion
Like in wildlife where we find PREDATORS feasting animals of prey, in human society too, we find predators that range from one killer to another. And prey could be any other human could be fall victim. In wildlife, predators range from cat family to fox family to snakes and predator birds like the Eagle.
On the other hand in human societies predators range from witches, wizards, serial killers which are laboratory origin of virus and different epidemics deliberately engineered in the laboratory created by predator governments, in this case only one world superpower which has been distabilising the entire world has been like the lion in the wild ,we all know which superpower I am referring to that has been engineering diseases in the laboratory which have been wiping humanity for a very long time now. Name the diseases created by man, which range from HIV to COVID 19, etc.
So why would ecosystems provide for predators to be feasting on other animals equipped with precision killer instincts? Well, it is for population control of wildlife that if not checked, the prey might outgraze and eventually extinct itself from the wild. Equally , the Bill Gates foundation with his laboratory engineered viruses, flues, bacterias, and other diseases spread among humanity is done so for nothing else but population control. If everyone lived healthy and longer life expectancy, humanity against natural resources, man would extinct himself because population versus food, there would be no enough food to feed all humans on earth hence man would be wiped out of the face of the earth..
Another population control technique is through LGBT. Gay and Lesbian, it’s one form of killing this section of society for population control. This is suicide on the part of the participants . This is not a human right but a right to die in reality if you never knew . This is a campaign led by the USA to allow people to commit suicide in a very disguised way. If you argue with me, take one million LGBT (same sex husband and wife)and put them on one island and take another 500,000 couples male and female(1 million total), and put them on a separate island . Then go and check on them after 50 years and see how many people you will find on the LGBT island and vice versa on the male/ female couple island! On LGBT its mostly likely you might find no one, however on the other island you will find more than 4 times the original population of 1 million, you are likely to find a population of over 4 million. So LGBT is a death sentence for those who participate in it ,they can not replicate themselves instead of extinct themselves from the face of the earth.
In conclusion; to answer the heading of this article;
*”If man was wiped out from the face of the earth, what would he have lost?”*
My philosophical answer is that there would be no any loss at all because man came with nothing, and at death, he disappeared with nothing. Moreover, when man is dead, he has no knowledge that he is dead. Man might have been enjoying or suffering while alive, but once he was dead, he remembered nothing. So then why did he live at all? This brings us to my great ancestor King Solomon’s philosophical thought about life when he concluded in the Tanakh a Hebrew bible that life is useless and it is like chasing the wind that you shall never catch.
(Sometimes the word Torah is used to refer to the whole Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh) which additionally contains Nevi’im (נביאים), which means Prophets, and Ketuvim (כתובים) meaning Writings. Torah can also refer to wider scriptural commentaries (Talmud) and even all Jewish religious knowledge)
However, in my philosophical journey, I have discovered that life is not as useless as my wisest ancestor, King Solomon, might have put it, I have found the hidden secret of the purpose of life in general that encompassed all living things man included. This is a topic for another day when I will unpack this life and it will make a very exciting reading to learn new things about it. No single person will dispute my informed analysis about life.

*Author: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma Philosopher/Political Analyst*
I submit
Without fear or favour.
*Author: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma Philosopher/Political Analyst*.