Hot TV Zambia ‘Brick and Mortar’ done and Iaunching Tuesday 2nd September, 2020 brags Oscar Chavula
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Today we begin a new journey as Hot TV. Brick and Mortar is done! Our Iaunch is Tuesday 2nd September, 2020.
Our wheels are in motion now and I wish to serve notice to on lookers and detractors alike. It’s exactly 3 months from launch.
I have had incessant nay sayers at every turn in life.
Many have felt I live on the edge and dangerously so.
Some have laughed me to scorn while others have chuckled behind my back until the joke isn’t funny anymore!

Oscar Chavula
If I listened to those professional fear mongers I’d be living a very boring small life in a corner fiddling with my hands in a foreign land wishing stuff away.
I have lived my best life as a REAL pioneer and risk taker, I have enjoyed every bit of it! Hard as it may be many at times I have NO one single regret. NOTHING!
Falling is not my problem, not standing back however many times I fall is what determines my score card.

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