Ntalasha Chisha writes to Zambian Political Party SGs to allocate 25% adoptions for 2021 to differently-abled
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Chisha Ntalasha
By Francis Chipalo@NewAge News
As an organization that seeks to empower the underprivileged people in communities, we are hereby appealing to all political parties to consider allocating at least 25 % of Adoptions in the Forth Coming General Elections for 2021 to Persons Living with Disabilities, Born Short Living Tall (BSLT) Executive Director Ntalasha Chisha has said.
According to a letter addressed to secretary generals of political parties and made available to NewAge News, Chisha said taking such an action would break the discriminatory and segregatory barriers that currently exist in politics where there was less participation by differently abled persons due to lack of inclusiveness.

PF Sec Gen Davies Mwila with KK and Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya at St. Ignatius Catholic Church as Zambia mourned former Health Minister Dr. Joseph Kasonde pix by Derrick Sinjela
He explained that Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) clearly states the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in political and public life without discrimination and on an equal basis with others, adding that it was upon state parties to guarantee those rights.
Chisha observed that differently-abled persons had for a long time been neglected due to to insufficient represention and hence the need to incorporate them in key decision making positions.
“This is a vital aspect of combatting exclusion and inequality, and to leaving no-one behind.

HH with Stephen Katuka January 2020
We believe that this is the only way the differently-abled will be assured of full participation in national and governance affairs,” Chisha said.
Chisha added that adopting differently-abled persons in the 2021 elections would change the status quo with regards persons living with disabilities.
He was however optimistic for a favourable response from political parties in the country.

Ntalasha Chisha