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Rainbow news zambia

United Nations (U N I E S)  Secretary-General Message on Africa Industrialisation Day Monday 20 November 2018

United Nations (U N I E S) Secretary-General Message on Africa Industrialisation Day Monday 20 November 2018

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Inclusive and sustainable industrial development is critical for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Africa. It generates jobs, reduces poverty, hunger and inequality, empowers women, expands opportunities for young people, while also improving health, safeguarding the environment and tackling climate change.   This year’s Africa Industrialization Day focuses on promoting regional value chains and underscores how industrial development in local pharmaceutical production contributes to healthy lives and well-being.   The development of a competitive and sustainable pharmaceutical manufacturing sector in Africa can help promote better health and well-being and sustainable economic growth. The availability of high quality and...



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By FREDRICK MUBANGA HEAD-PUBLIC RELATIONS-RTSA   CHPATA, 17TH November, 2018- Corruption among traffic and road transport officials is posing a great risk to road safety.   Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Zindaba Soko, has charged that the effect of corruption is not only a loss of State revenue, but may contribute to road traffic accidents if not curbed.   “Corrupt officials who allow motorists who speed, or who are driving vehicles that are not roadworthy, to proceed on their journey are posing a threat to road safety and the consequences for other road...

The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia, by Simon Kalolo Kabanda, 28/10/2018 (1)

The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia, by Simon Kalolo Kabanda, 28/10/2018 (1)

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THE “HOW” OF A REFERENDUM IN ZAMBIA Simon Kalolo Kabanda 28 October 2018 1.0. Introduction 1.1. The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia looks at factors that may hinder the success of a Referendum to amend the Bill of Rights, and proposes strategies that should lead to having a successful National Referendum in Zambia. 1.2. One impediment to holding the National Referendum to amend the Bill of Rights is the cost. In order to address this impediment, and pave way for a successful Referendum, the following should be considered: – That the Referendum should take place during the 2021 presidential...

Constitution Making Beyond 2018, by Simon Kabanda 1

Constitution Making Beyond 2018, by Simon Kabanda 1

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CONSTITUTION MAKING BEYOND 2018 Simon Kabanda 4 October 2018 1.0. Introduction 1.1. The journey towards completing the Constitution making process in Zambia is still on. The current Constitution making process started 25 years ago, with the appointment of the Mwanakatwe Constitution Review Commission (CRC) in September 1993. Unfortunately, it has been an unnecessarily very long process. 1.2. In the 20 years of the government of the Movement for MultiParty Democracy (MMD), 1991-2011, Constitution making was a failed project. The MMD had made two attempts at coming up with a new Constitution. The first attempt was made in 1993 when the...

Huawei’s Martin Zhong extols KK and Mao Zedong

Huawei’s Martin Zhong extols KK and Mao Zedong

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……as Smart Zambia Initiative and Huawei donate 10 Computers to Lusaka’s Makeni St. Francis Pre-School   By Derrick Sinjela in Makeni, South of Lusaka FORMER First Republican President Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda and former Chairman People’s Republic of China, President, the late Mao Zedong for laying a firm Sino-Zambia foundation which President Xi Jinping and President Edgar Chagwa Lungu continue to consolidate politically described as a Siamese twin. An elated Huawei Country Director Martin Zhong is delighted that Zambia and China continue to collaborate as equal partners in delivering empowerment to citizens in the host country manifested by an...

IS it possible to determine the sex of the child you are going to have? TALKING HEALTH with Dr. Lalick Banda

IS it possible to determine the sex of the child you are going to have? TALKING HEALTH with Dr. Lalick Banda

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Sun, Feb 12, 2012, 3:21 PM QUESTION: IS it possible to determine the sex of the child you are going to have? ANSWER: SEX of a developing child is determined at the level of the chromosomes. Every human being has a total of 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs. 44 are non sex chromosomes (autosomes) and 2 are Sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes of a female are XX and those for a male are XY. So a male’s chromosomes should read 46XY and those of a female 46XX. 23 chromosomes of the 46 come from each parent. For example 23XX from...

Zambia’s Business Conference on industrialisation, job creation set for 30th November 2018, says PS Mushuma Mulenga

Zambia’s Business Conference on industrialisation, job creation set for 30th November 2018, says PS Mushuma Mulenga

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Chibaula D. Silwamba (Mr.) Spokesperson MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING LUSAKA, Wednesday, 7 November 2018 The Zambian National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC), one of the entities of the Ministry of National Development Planning, will on 30th November 2018  host the first-ever Bi-Annual Business Conference focusing on industrialisation and job creation as espoused in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) at Lusaka’s Taj Pamodzi Hotel. Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation) Mr. Mushuma Mulenga told a media briefing in Lusaka on Friday 9th November 2018. The Permanent Secretary said the Business Conference will provide a...



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By Mutisunge Zulu National Secretary- THE Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) Friday  2nd November 2018 A team of global investors led by J.P. Morgan Sub – Saharan Economist Ayomide Mejabi met with the Economics Association of Zambia team led by its president Dr. Lubinda Habazoka in Lusaka on 01 Nov. The team comprising various fund managers and Eurobond holders visited Zambia to assess economic pulse. Despite debt sustainability concerns, the Association is confident that Zambia will meet its repayment obligation given the current bullish macroeconomic variable landscape. The Association further revealed that the state still has room to implement measures...

MCC Celebrates the Closeout of the Five-Year, $355 Million Zambia Compact

MCC Celebrates the Closeout of the Five-Year, $355 Million Zambia Compact

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By Millennium Challenge Corporation – MCC   Lusaka – Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary Jeanne Hauch visited Lusaka this week to recognize the accomplishments of the MCC Zambia Compact.   While in Lusaka, Ms. Hauch met with Zambian President Edgar Lungu, U.S. Ambassador Daniel Lewis Foote, Zambian Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe, and other Zambian government senior officials, as well as the dedicated Millennium Challenge Account-Zambia staff. The MCC vice president also visited project sites and met with beneficiaries of the MCC-Zambia Compact.   “It has been an honor to be here this week to...

Experiencing Chengelo School Saturday 13 October 2018

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By Mumba S Kapumpa SC SATURDAY : 13 OCTOBER 2018   My wife, Chisanga Kapumpa, and I were invited by Chengelo School , and I were invited by Chengelo School, to the school’s Annual Prizegiving Ceremony for me to be the Guest Speaker and Mrs. Kapumpa to be Awarding Prizes to the students.   We left Lusaka for Mkushi where Chengelo is, around 04:30 and arrived at the school at 09:00. We were of course conscious of the 80 km/h restrictions RATSA has imposed on the Lusaka-Mkushi road, although it is a highway !!   In my Speech I made the...

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