Journalist Arthur Davies Sikopo@Southern Africa Gender Links Media Awards Mika Hotel – Kabulonga.

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Thanks To Gender Links For Having Recognized My Works I Entered In The Southern Africa Gender Links Media Awards Especially A Radio Piece I Did On A Female Bus Conductress (‘Mbesuma’) Of Kitwe. I Entered The Southern Africa Gender Links Media Awards Held In August 2016 And Today I Was Sharing My Experience With Fellow Media Practitioners At ZAMBIA SADC PROTOCOL@WORK SUMMITS AND AWARDS 2016, Mika Hotel. The Story Aired On Zambezi FM Radio in 2015 And Can Be Accessed From This Link.…/kitwe-female-bus-conductress Pictures (excluding for ‘Mbesuma’ By Mr. Kanchele Raymond #And_DAS1 Be the first to like. Like Unlike