Rainbow news zambia

Press Statement Saturday 6th June, 2020 Lusaka ‘We need to be vigilant as Zambians’ pleads Leadership Movement President  Richard Silumbe

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By Dr. Richard Silumbe Leadership Movement Party President Fellow Country Men and Women. “Foreigners will never come to Zambia as good Samaritans to develop our mother Zambia but they are coming to conquer Zambia, exploit our minerals, amass wealth and suck the profit. For this as the Leadership Movement we call upon Zambians to be vigilant in the Protection of Natural Resources. Therefore, we need to make use of own resources and maximise, produce products and be able to make profit out of it, other than waiting on foreigner Investors. This is the kind of Mindset we are bringing into...

On Friday 5th June 2020 MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale caned Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Chilosha Lusambo insisting that ‘Freedom of Expression essential in a ‘democracy’

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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION ESSENTIAL IN A DEMOCRACY LUSAKA, Friday, June 5, 2020 MISA ZAMBIA has noted with concern remarks from the Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo aimed at named citizens who were exercising their right to express themselves on various matters that concern the nation. In a video which has gone viral, Mr. Lusambo is heard calling on Mr. Kings Malembe Malembe, Artist Brian Bwembya popularly known as B-Flow and un named photographer to desist from making statements that would bring the name of the country into disrepute. This is after the three released separate unrelated videos where they were...

“Producers and Processors of Genetically Modified (GM) Food Products must adhere to ‘Biosafety and Food Safety Standards,” NBA Communications Officer Sandra Lombe

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Press Release to all Media Houses Friday 5th June, 2020. ADHERE TO FOOD SAFETY STANDARDS-NBA …and protect people from foodborne illnesses LUSAKA, ZAMBIA- THE National Biosafety Authority has urged producers and processors of genetically modified (GM) food products to adhere to biosafety and food safety standards. The NBA oversees the aspect of regulating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or products of GMOs such as food, feed, application and processes from the laboratory or farm to the consumer. This also includes the import, export and transit of GMO products. The Authority works with various partners and stakeholders to enhance this perspective. The...

World Environment Day 2020: A Call to Biodiversity Restoration for a Healthy Environment Joint Press Release Lusaka, Friday 5th June, 2020

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WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2020: A CALL TO BIODIVERSITY RESTORATION FOR A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT JOINT PRESS RELEASE LUSAKA, Friday 5th June, 2020 JOINT PRESS RELEASE LUSAKA, Friday 5th June, 2020 ZAMBIA today joins the rest of the world in celebrating the 2020 World Environment Day (WED) under the theme ‘Biodiversity: Time for Nature.’  WED provides an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and is a call to action for individuals, enterprises and communities to protect the environment. Biodiversity is the foundation that supports all life on earth and affects every aspect of human health and the environment. The...

May 2020 Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) BNNB: “An Uphill Battle for the Poor as Cost of Living Continues to Rise” laments JCTR Social and Economic Development Programme Manager Chama Bowa-Mundia

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BNNB Statement Friday 5th June, 2020 An Uphill Battle for the Poor as Cost of Living Continues to Rise The country’s COVID-19 cases at the end of May 2020 stood at over 1000 cases. Though over 74 percent recovered from the disease and deaths remained very low compared to the global average, the number of cases has more than quadrupled in a space of a month. Despite the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, Zambia has slowly opened up her economy under the “new normal” in a bid to ensure economic activities continue and thus protect people’s livelihoods. In...

Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe extols veteran Diplomat Pius Kasutu

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Order of Distinguished Service- Pius KasutuIn 1968, Mr. Pius Kasutu was elected the first Member of Parliament for… Posted by KITWE Mayor- Christopher Kang'ombe on Friday, June 5, 2020 Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Operation Young Vote (OYV) Executive Director Guess Nyirenda’s Friday 4th June, 2020 on expulsion of Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF) from Patriotic Front (PF) and the General Conduct of  PF Leaders

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OPERATION YOUNG VOTE (OYV) Lotti House, 6th Floor, Suite 21, Cairo Road P.O. Box 30153 Email: oyvleader2000@gmail.com Cell: 0955/77-769 688 LUSAKA 4th JUNE, 2020: STATEMENT BY OYV ON THE EXPULSION OF KBF FROM THE PARTY AND THE GENERAL CONDUCT OF ITS LEADERS  Not only has the expulsion, of Presidential Aspirant Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF) from the Patriotic Front (PF) by the Central Committee, vindicated those that say PF isn’t receptive to divergent views let alone those that are brave to lay bare and express their Presidential ambitions. Why is it that whenever someone expresses interest to exercise their right to...

GEARS Initiative Zambia Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi call on Chief Justice Irene Mambilima’s intervention on the drama between Dr. Chishimba Kambwili and Magistrate David Simusamba

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By McDonald Chipenzi Executive Director GEARS Initiative Zambia   A CALL ON CHIEF JUSTICE’S INTERVENTION ON THE DRAMA BETWEEN HON KAMBWILI AND MAG. SIMUSAMBA. Friday 5th June 2020 We found it extremely strange at the refusal by Magistrate David Simusamba to recuse himself from a case involving the National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Chishimba Kambwili in which he is the presiding magistrate. The failure by Mag. Simusamba to recuse himself, especially that the relationship between him and Hon. Kambwili has been hostile, threatens the cause of natural justice. Hon Kambwili is not refusing to be tried or is he asking for...

Africa Directions Executive Director Mark Chilongu advises Bowman Lusambo to stop taking his antagonistic behaviour towards ‘Young People’

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Africa Directions D157/H Mtendere, PO Box 37230, Lusaka 10101 • Tel: +260-211-262169 Cell: +260-969741964 • Email: africadirections@yahoo.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday 3rd June 2020 WE ADVISE HON: LUSAMBO TO STOP TAKING HIS ANTAGONISTIC BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS YOUNG PEOPLE. WE as an organization with a strategic focus to promote young people’s participation in the governance of the country are saddened and seriously concerned with the position taken by Hon: Lusambo to use threats on young people with divergent views over the Governance of this Country and it should be condemned with the serious contempt it deserves. Young people have a right to...

As demonstrations exploded across the United States, journalists have been assaulted, pepper-sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and arrested on live television

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View this email in your browser Dear Jean, In the last several days, as demonstrations exploded across the United States, journalists have been assaulted, pepper-sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and arrested on live television. The scale of abuses is unprecedented in recent American history, and CPJ has swung into action to support journalists covering the protests and to hold accountable those who abuse their authority and violate press freedom. As an organization of journalists, CPJ’s first order of business is always to gather the facts and fully report events. There have been as many as 90 separate incidents involving attacks...

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