Nakonde man caught ‘eating’ his cousin.
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By Staff Writer
A Nakonde man broke news to his family after he was caught red handed sleeping with his cousin in their home.
Simwale aged 34-years old, is said to be sleeping with his cousin in the last five years.
According to Simwale’s friend, he said that Simwale had before told him that despite him being a father of Three he runs crazy when he sees his cousin and wants to have sex with her.
He said the two, Simwale and his cousin called Judica started making out when Judica went to Simwale’s home to stay with them for a few days.
“I have a strong feeling towards Judica.I also know it is wrong sleeping with my cousin,” Simwale told his friend.
He said that things took a U-turn on Saturday morning after the two got stuck while making out.
Simwale’s friend called Tommy Sikana said that he was with him when they were left home with Judica. He said that when Judica had finished taking shower Simwale went to her bedroom.
“It started out when they were left home alone with Judica. He said Judica had just taken shower and was in the bedroom. I followed Simwale to the room where I saw Judica standing naked. I returned to the sitting room”
Tommy Sikana said that he knew that Judica could not react for her cousin who had caught her naked and she did not cover herself when she saw Simwale.
During that time, Simwale’s parents and his wife had gone to Tunduma Side to get food stuff and buy clothes for the festive easter season.
Little did Simwale know that his wife had known that Simwale had an affair with Judica and resorted to seeking advice from Juju man.
According to Tommy Sikana, the two while in the act, they reached a point where they could not de-touch themselves prompting them to scream for help.
“I was seated outside in their compound when I heard screams from Simwale’s house. When I entered the house I found the two entangled. Simwale could not talk, Judica was just murmuring.” He said.
He added that he called his neighbours to help him de-touch the two but their efforts bore no fruits until Simwale’s wife came back.
Tommy Sikana said that Simwale’s wife when she arrived she first went round their house before she went to see the two.
“I think Simwale’s wife had set a trap. How comes she is the one who could de-touch them?” Tommy Sikana questioned.
After the two were at ease, is reported that Simwale was heard saying his wife had a strong medicine while he pleaded for forgiveness.
Simwale’s wife had visited a powerful doctor Dr. Mizizi who had locked her family to install faithfulness.
How to contact Mizizi
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