Thursday 18TH MARCH, 2021: APRM National Governing Council (NGC) Media Statement on the Commemoration of the APRM’S 18th Anniversary under the theme “Celebrating Arts, Culture, and Heritage.”
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The National Governing Council (NGC) of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in Zambia would like to weigh-in and share its message on this very important day – the APRM DAY.
As the African Union and Africa generally commemorates the 18th Anniversary of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM’s), establishment under the theme “Celebrating Arts, Culture and Heritage”, it is important not only to reflect on how rich and endowed Africa and particularly Zambia is with respect to Arts, Culture and Heritage but also to appreciate and wisely take advantage and use them to find local solutions to the challenges and shortcomings being experienced for the benefit of indigenous citizens and assured sustenance of the Country and the Continent.
It is without doubt that Zambia is blessed in many areas including natural sites, culture and tradition, local food and nutrition and artefact, which if properly harnessed would provide unmatched economic dividends.
It is important to note at this point that Zambia has, to date, been part of the APRM for 15 years as the country voluntarily acceded to this autonomous, self-monitoring governance instrument established to identify strengths and challenges in governance and socioeconomic development on the African Continent. As the membership to the APRM continues to grow (currently standing at 40 countries), it would be imperative that all adhere to the shared values not only around governance but also in the areas of arts, culture and heritage enlightening to one another best practices to salvage Africa from calamities such as the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Incredible to note on this year’s APRM Day, is the launch of the great innovation called the African Youth Economic Forum (AYEF). AYEF is a collaborative effort by APRM, the Youth Bridge Trust, and Reset Global People as part of African youth and Pan-African institutions proactive contributions towards achievement of Agenda 2063 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs).
The AYEF can also be said to be a platform for peer learning and tool to engage with and on the African Youth Charter. AYEF is an innovation where the Youth and Economic Opportunities meet. It speaks to the aspect of leveraging Youth Empowerment.
Zambia must find ways and means of making its young people drivers of solutions through arts, culture and heritage.
As the National Governing Council of the APRM in Zambia, we take this opportunity to not only challenge but also encourage every Zambian, Civil Society, Women Movement, more so the Youth to take interest in all African Union matters including the APRM and the AYEF even when we grapple and strategize to resolve our own local challenges and shortcomings as a nation. There are numerous best practices we can and should learn from these bodies and instruments that can and should be used to help us find solutions to our problems.
We further call upon the Government of the Republic of Zambia to make the APRM more attractive and visible by providing the NGC with the necessary and deserved tools and resources to turn the APRM wheels in the country.
As NGC we are of the considered view that, it is imperative that all stakeholders need to appreciate the APRM if we are to remain relevant to the drive towards the Africa we want as espoused in Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 (SDGs). As we promote our “Not leaving anyone behind” motto, we cannot afford to remain behind as Zambia on this trajectory.
Happy 18th APRM Anniversary!!!!
For more information on AYEF >> —
Issued by:
Guess Nyirenda
APRM National Governing Council (NGC) Spokesperson