13 Herbs that can help you lose weight
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By Rainbow Health Writer
I am Ruth Miti from Kabwe and more than a third of my friends had excess body fat that is to say that extra weight especially as fat around the waist, my weight was 105kg at the age of 34, I felt it the overweight could to health issues9.
Shedding pounds was the only way that may prevent ,slow or reverse many of the health issues that came along such as trouble breathing since larger bodies may prevent the lungs from expanding fully and breathing muscles may not work well with obesity ,other health issues were fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, gallstones, type2diabetes, gout, high blood pressure among others. I tried all ways I could to cut my weight but I failed to get the credible results I needed I shared what I going through with my auntie in Lusaka who advised me to communicate to a herbal specialist so that I could get remedies that are 100%natural and have no side effects thus how I called Mizizi Doctors and explained to him my problem, He told me It is no secret what I put on my plate plays a central role in weight loss, but what I keep in my spice cabinet may just be as important. He further told me many herbs and spices have shown to fight cravings, boost fat burning and weightloss. He referred 13 herbs and spices that can help me in a short period of time these were Fenugreek which control the appetite and reduce food intake to support weight loss, Cayenne pepper which is a type of chilli pepper which gives signature heat and provide numerous health benefits, ginger and other herbs like oregano, ginseng, caralluma fimbriata, turmeric, black pepper, gymnema syvestre, cinnamon, green coffee bean extract, cumin and cardamon. After I got the remedies, truly the herbs from Mizizi Doctors really helped me get back in shape with just one drink in the morning and evening. Mizizi Doctors also have traditional medicines that treat BP, Diabetes, low manhood spermcount and power, back pains, TB, infertility, Fibroid. With experience of over 15years Mizizi Doctors also solve life challenges as Marriage problems, Business Attraction Fortune, Work and Tender related problems, and herbs to stop alcoholism and addiction of drugs. Call or WhatsApp Mizizi Doctors at +260776222482 or email : mizizidoctors@gmail.com

Mizizi Doctors have herbs that cure obesity or excess weight gain