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Friday 13th January, 2017
With its overarching mandate being to provide regulatory oversight in the field of Legal Metrology in Zambia, in the year 2016 the Zambia Weights and Measures Agency (ZWMA) conducted inspections of various measuring instruments in the petroleum, manufacturing, milling and retail sectors. Backed by the Weights and Measures Act Cap 403 of the Laws of Zambia, a total number of 20292 instruments were verified in routine inspections and verification of measuring and weighing instruments.
Petroleum Industry
The Agency carried out biannual inspections of tanker trucks at TAZAMA Fuel Depots. The inspections were in collaboration with the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) and Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS). The purpose of the joint inspections was for each regulator to conduct random spot checks of Zambian fuel tanker trucks with regards to respective institutional mandates associated with these vehicles.
Overall, the joint inspections exercise were a success. A total of 74 tankers were inspected with findings showing 68.9% compliant tanker trucks amongst those inspected. The 31.08% found to be non-compliant were charged fines and corrective measures were put in place before the owners were allowed to operate the tanker trucks. Additionally, the Agency conducted inspections for bulk flow meters used in loading and offloading of fuel from all depots in the country.
Manufacturing Sector
The Agency undertook random inspections of cement manufacturing companies in the country. The inspections were prompted by various complaints from consumers alleging existence of under-weight bags of cement on the market. The products inspected include Lafarge Mphamvu Cement, Dangote Cement, Sunstone Advance Tile Cement and Baudot Great Wall Cement. In total, 2337 bags of cement were inspected in 2016. Of that number, 2187 bags were non-compliant and only 150 bags were complaint representing 93.58% non-compliance and 6.42% compliance. The companies that had non-complaint bags were charged fines and requested to undertake additional corrective action of re-bagging the product to acceptable tolerances.
Grain Buyers
During the 2016 crop marketing season, ZW&MA carried out inspections of mobile grain buyers in Eastern, Southern, Copperbelt and Central Provinces. The main objective of the inspections was to ensure that grain buyers were using approved weighing scales.
The inspections conducted revealed that there was a lot of non-complaint weighing instruments in Eastern Province whereas Southern Province, Copperbelt and Central recorded few cases of non-approved weighing instruments. Overall, 234 grain buyers were inspected from the four provinces. 100 grain buyers were complaint whereas 134 were non-complaint. As a result, 85 non-compliant weighing instruments were and later destroyed after ZWMA had followed the necessary legal procedures.
Another observation was is that about 32 traders were involved in unconventional methods of trade. The unconventional methods included use of buckets, pots and tins which were not standard in terms of measurements. With non-standard measurements, it is not possible to get value for money or to assure traceability of the quantity sold.
Further, during the grain-buyers inspection exercise, all traders and farmers were educated on the benefits of using approved methods of trade through practical demonstration.
The Agency conducted national wide inspections of millers to ascertain the correctness of quantities declared on all pre-packed milling products. Some of the products inspected included mealie meal, animal feed and rice, to mention but a few. Companies inspected included but were not limited to APG, National Milling, Choma Milling, Kapinga, Mushe and Ghiradi Milling amongst others. It was found that most milling products were non-compliant with regulatory requirements regarding pre-packed commodities. Out of 4705 bags of mealie meal inspected, 3931 bags were non-complaint representing 83.55% non-compliant bags against 16.45% compliant bags. Companies found wanting were fined and directives given for additional corrective measures to be undertaken. Such measures included re-bagging of non-compliant prepacks and more frequent calibration of test weights and weighing instruments to ensure accurate and effective measurement systems.
Chain Stores, Butcheries, Bakeries and Hardware
Giving confidence to the consumers on the accuracy of weighing instruments used in butcheries, bakeries and supermarkets is among the primary roles of ZWMA. In 2016, the Agency undertook rigorous inspections around the country to ensure compliance in the use of weighing instruments as well as products of such weighing instruments (pre-packed goods).
Generally, most well established retails were found to be compliant. For example, of the 1207 loaves of bread inspected, a total of 955 loaves were complaint representing 79.12% compliant loaves against 20.88% non-compliant loaves.
Arising from the inspections undertaken in 2016, ZWMA is urging all stakeholders engaged in commercial transactions to adhere to weights and measures regulations as they do business, to ensure that there is promotion of fair trade for both the trader and the consumer.
The Agency shall enhance its sensitization efforts in 2017 for the purpose of educating as many people as possible on the correct methods to apply in trade where weighing and measuring instruments are involved.
The Chief Executive Officer
Zambia Weights and Measures Agency
Plot 2387 Longolongo Road
P.O Box 30989
Tel: +260 211 222294 Fax: +260 211 222297