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Chinese New Year(2)

Chinese New Year(2)

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通讯:春节庙会在赞比亚掀中国文化热潮 新华社卢萨卡1月15日电 通讯:春节庙会在赞比亚掀中国文化热潮 新华社记者彭立军 1月的赞比亚正值雨季,空气清爽,温度宜人。14日,在赞比亚首都卢萨卡莱维购物中心,2017年赞比亚中国春节庙会热闹开场,来自南京市歌舞剧院的艺术家们与在赞华侨华人一同为中外观众带来精彩的“欢乐春节”文艺演出。 当天上午,演出在欢快的舞龙舞狮和开场舞《闹春迎新年》中拉开帷幕。大红色的舞台两侧张贴春联“九州春色闻鸡舞,海外赤子报三晖”,两条巨龙绕场一周点燃了观众的热情。 变脸和魔术表演令现场观众不时爆发出惊呼和热烈掌声,旋律激昂的琵琶独奏《金蛇狂舞》、宛转悠扬的二胡独奏《雨醉江南》展现了中国传统民乐的独特魅力,女子群舞《俏花旦》、少数民族舞蹈《欢乐颂》则让能歌善舞的赞比亚民众领略了别样的东方舞。 年近93岁高龄的赞比亚开国总统肯尼思·卡翁达今年再次来到中国庙会现场观看演出,并亲手为舞龙点睛。他饶有兴致地欣赏每一个精彩节目,动情处还随着音乐旋律打拍子。当南京市歌舞剧院演员用当地语言演唱卡翁达作曲作词的《团结歌》时,老人激动地站起身,扔下拐杖,和着歌声跳起舞蹈,瞬间引爆全场。 中午时分,文艺演出告一段落,人们来到中华美食品鉴摊位前,十几家中国餐馆展台一字排开,水饺、春卷、麻辣烫、烤串等各色美食令食客流连忘返。 美食摊位对面是企业展览区,几十家中资企业展示各自的商品和服务,涉及机械、皮具、白酒、贸易、零售、保险等领域,让人们在领略中国春节文化的同时,也一览中赞经贸的成果,寻找商机。 卢萨卡市民、在中国公司工作的杰里迈亚对记者说:“我很喜欢中国文化,喜欢中国人,希望我们两国的友谊能一直传承下去。”杰里迈亚边说边做出中国的拱手礼,用中文说道:“新年快乐,恭喜发财!” 当天下午,由在赞华侨华人表演的文艺节目连续上演。赞比亚中国妇女联合会表演了古装秀《大唐古韵》,让人一睹盛唐时的传统装束,赞比亚中文国际学校的小朋友们以稚嫩的童声向观众拜年。由赞比亚孔子学院和赞比亚中国武术协会奉献的《中华武术串烧》和《十八罗汉》,令热爱中国功夫的赞比亚人发出阵阵喝彩。 赞比亚政商学各界代表和友好人士、各国使节和当地华侨华人代表等千余人观看了当天的演出。中国驻赞比亚大使杨优明在演出前致辞说,春节是中华民族一年中最重要的传统节日,是辞旧迎新、团聚喜庆的时刻。赞比亚中国庙会已经连续举办了4年,作为“欢乐春节”庆祝活动的一部分,现已成为赞比亚人民了解中国文化习俗的一扇窗口。2017年是鸡年,寓意着勤奋、努力、活泼和希望,希望中赞两国关系在新的一年里继续蓬勃发展。 此次“欢乐春节”活动由中国文化部、中国驻赞比亚大使馆联合主办,南京市歌舞剧院和赞比亚华侨华人总会参与演出。卢萨卡春节庙会活动后,南京市歌舞剧院演出团将赴赞比亚南部城市利文斯顿举办另一次专场演出。 ====Communication: Chinese Spring Festival temple fair in Zambia cultural boom lift Xinhua News Agency, Lusaka, January 15 – Newsletter: Spring Festival temple fair in Zambia Chinese culture boom lift Xinhua News Agency reporter Peng Lijun Zambia January rainy season, fresh air, the temperature pleasant. 14, in the Zambian capital 卢萨卡莱维 Mall, 2017 Chinese Spring Festival temple fair Zambia lively opening, the artists from theater and dance in Nanjing Overseas Chinese in Zambia brought together wonderful “Happy New Year” theatrical performances as foreign visitors . In the...

Ambassador Yang Youming & Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda host 2017 Chinese Spring Festival Temple Fair in Zambia

Ambassador Yang Youming & Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda host 2017 Chinese Spring Festival Temple Fair in Zambia

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By Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Yang Youming 14th January 2017 Remarks at the 2017 Chinese Spring Festival Temple Fair in Zambia Your Honourable Mr. Charles Banda, Minister of Tourism and Arts, Honourable Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, other Senior government officials, Your Excellencies Ambassadors and High Commissioners, Representatives of International or Regional Organizations, Head and members of the Nanjing Song and Dance Ensemble, Fellow Chinese compatriots, Friends from the media, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! We are happy to gather here with all the distinguished guests at the 2017 Chinese Spring Festival Temple Fair in Zambia, organized by the Chinese...

EnergyNet’s 3rd ‘Powering Africa: Summit’ to host proactive energy sector leaders from Africa this March, in Washington DC

EnergyNet’s 3rd ‘Powering Africa: Summit’ to host proactive energy sector leaders from Africa this March, in Washington DC

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Amidst the wait for US foreign policy decisions, proactive energy sector leaders from Africa get set to return to Washington DC for EnergyNet’s 3rd Powering Africa: Summit this March The Summit is supported again by Power Africa, the U.S. government interagency created to establish 60 million new household and business connections by 2030 LONDON, United Kingdom, January 17, 2017/ — The annual Powering Africa: Summit ( returns to Washington DC this March providing a platform for Africa’s energy sector stakeholders and developers to engage multilaterals, global investors and technology providers. The meeting will present backbone energy and infrastructure projects to...



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STATEMENT BY HON. STEPHEN KAMPYONGO, MP, ACTING MINISTER OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING SERVICES AND CHIEF GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON ON THE DEATH OF FORMER ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL MANAGING EDITOR VINCENT MIJONI Government is saddened by the death of former Zambia Daily Mail Managing Editor Vincent Mijoni who died at the Coptic Hospital in Lusaka yesterday. The demise of Mr. Mijoni is yet again a great loss to the media fraternity and the nation at large. This has been a terrible period for the media in Zambia that we have lost three luminaries in the profession beginning with Mr. Bill Saidi who passed...

Social Protection in the Zambian Media : 6th  to 13th January, 2017

Social Protection in the Zambian Media : 6th to 13th January, 2017

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  Social Cash Transfer Programme 1.       Chibombo Vulnerable Families Appeal For Cash Transfer (Muvi TV, 7th January) Some vulnerable families in Chibombo district have called on government to include them on the social Cash transfer. Read Full Story   Social Protection and Agriculture 2.      Chief Ntambu calls for farm inputs (Daily Mail, 13th January) SENIOR Chief Ntambu of Mwinilunga says farmers in his area have not yet received farm inputs for the 2016/17 farming season. Read Full Story   3.      Govt assures farmers over E-Voucher cards (ZNBC, 11th January) Mansa Central Member of Parliament, Chitalu Chilufya says government will continue...

Ashley Graham Is Breaking Gender Barriers and Promoting Body Positivity in V Magazine

Ashley Graham Is Breaking Gender Barriers and Promoting Body Positivity in V Magazine

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Global Hayley FitzPatrick Yahoo StyleJanuary 12, 2017 Plus-size model Ashley Graham is the star of a risqué and boundary-breaking photo shoot in V Magazine‘s January issue. Famed photographer Steven Klein photographed the 28-year-old model in a series of provocative poses at the Standard Hotel’s Meatpacking location in New York City. One shot features Graham lifting a suit-clad gentleman while wearing a barely there Balmain dress with Christian Louboutin pumps. Ashley Graham is featured in V Magazine‘s January issue. (Photo: Steven Klein/V Magazine) In the issue, Graham, who is best known for her work with plus-size retailer Lane Bryant and being the first plus-size model to grace...

Press Statement by MMD President, Nevers Sekwila Mumba *

Press Statement by MMD President, Nevers Sekwila Mumba *

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By Communications Director in the Office of the MMD President, Irene Chiwala Musonda * Following the ruling of the Supreme Court on August 3rd 2016, I would like to make the following statement: We salute the esteemed  Lordships and Her Ladyship judges of the Supreme Court bench for upholding the rule of law by insisting that justice must be dispensed equitably at all times. The setting aside of Judge Sikazwe’s questionable ruling, stabilizes the MMD and reverts to the status quo which existed before Judge Sikazwe became part of this process. The MMD remains squarely in the hands of the...

President Obama Surprises Joe Biden With Medal of Freedom

President Obama Surprises Joe Biden With Medal of Freedom

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1/12/2017 5:43PM In a special sendoff, President Barack Obama surprised his vice president, Joe Biden, by awarding him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. Photo: AP Transcript – This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. … as I have worried deliver my farewell address will try to be relatively brief … I just wanted that … some folks together to pay tribute to somebody was not … only been by my side … for the ration of this … amazing journey … but somebody who is devoted his...

Publishers Aren’t Seeing Revenue From Instagram’s New Ads

Publishers Aren’t Seeing Revenue From Instagram’s New Ads

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Business Media & Marketing CMO Most media executives are patient as they see big potential in the social media platform’s Stories product Photo: ZUMA PRESS By Mike Shields Updated Jan. 11, 2017 6:23 p.m. ET 1 COMMENTS For publishers Instagram Stories are, for now, the anti-Discover. Unlike Snapchat’s ultra -exclusive Discover platform, which is limited to a few dozen partners who commit to creating unique content on a daily basis, any media company can set up an Instagram Stories account. And while Snapchat’s partners get a piece of the ad revenue generated on their Discover channels, publishers as of now...

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