Category: Sustainable Development



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IN ACCESS TO INFORMATION, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, MEDIA FREEDOM AND DEVELOPMENT, MEDIA LAW AND REFORMS 05 Oct 2018 The media in the second quarter saw an increased threat on its freedom and role. This is because the media that published divergent views as a way of promoting freedom of expression and providing checks and balances in this quarter was treated as information aimed at damaging Zambia’s image. Further media freedom in this quarter was under threat following proposed cyber security bills and if not well checked, the freedom of expression will not only to taken away from the media, but from the public a well....

The Role of Mining Companies in Promoting Children’s Right to Education, Health, Sanitation & Water

The Role of Mining Companies in Promoting Children’s Right to Education, Health, Sanitation & Water

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By Geoffrey Chongo and Norman Chavula Centre for Trade Policy & Development 1 Centre for Trade Policy & Development | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research team would like to thank all the people who contributed in one way or another to make the research possible. Sincere appreciation goes to the following individuals who participated in the interviews. i. The Lufwanyama District Council Secretary for allowing the research team conduct interviews with ……Lufwanyama District Council Staff. ii. Mr. Ken Bwembya and Mr. Vincent Lungu from the Lufwanyama District Council for the provision ….. of information on the district and mining activities taking place...

Zambia 2018 National Budget Expectations by Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) Executive Director Isaac Mwaipopo

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  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 23/08/18 2018 The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) and Zambia Civic Education Association (ZCEA) through Child Budget Network (CBN) expects enhanced public spending towards children in the 2018 national budget so as to realize child rights and access to essential services such as health, education and social protection. We understand that the National Budget is a vital economic policy instrument that reflects government priorities in trying to realize the countries’ social and economic agenda. As the Ministry of Finance seats to look at various recommendations gathered from the national consultation process, CTPD and...

Warm bilateral relations between Zambia and Jordan elate Hashemite Kingdom ‘Ruler’

Warm bilateral relations between Zambia and Jordan elate Hashemite Kingdom ‘Ruler’

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Amman, Thursday, November 29, 2018 Issued by Jerry Munthali First Secretary (Press) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA, ANKARA, TURKEY Email: King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has expressed happiness with the warm bilateral relations that exist between Zambia and Jordan. King Abdullah II said in his interaction with Zambia’s Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dr Joseph Chilengi that Jordan is ready to strengthen co-operation with Zambia, especially in the field of military and defence in order to build capacity for maintenance of global peace and security, which are prerequisites for...

Zambia, Italy sign MoU on cooperation to combat Climate Change  …as Chiteme, Costa call for strong bilateral ties 

Zambia, Italy sign MoU on cooperation to combat Climate Change  …as Chiteme, Costa call for strong bilateral ties 

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Issued by Chibaula D. Silwamba (Mr.) Spokesperson MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Tel: +260211252409 Email: Website: ROME, Italy, Friday, 30 November 2018 – ZAMBIA and Italy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation to combat climate change. Minister of National Development Planning Hon. Alexander Chiteme, MP, and Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea Mr. Sergio Costa, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective countries in Rome, Italy on Friday. The Memorandum of Understanding is aimed at enhancing cooperation between Zambia and Italy on matters relating to reducing Climate Change vulnerability by enhancing risk assessment and implementation...

Charles Chanda’s United Prosperous & Peaceful Zambia-UPPZ (Uppz Zambia) ‘Land Empowerment December Special 2018’

Charles Chanda’s United Prosperous & Peaceful Zambia-UPPZ (Uppz Zambia) ‘Land Empowerment December Special 2018’

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By Charles Chanda  Uppz Zambia CASH PRICE Mikango 25*50 (40) @K35 000 Kitwe North 25*50 (200) @ K35 000 New Ndola Airport 25*50 (50) @K35 000 Makeni West 25*50(500) CASH @ K35 000 PAY SLOW WHILE YOU BUILD Deposit K15 000 Balance 48 Months @K1000 MONTHLY OFFER VALID TILL 7th December 2018 Contact Mirriam on +260964871102 or WhatsApp 0977586347 Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Mbala District Commissioner, Kedrick Sikombe urges people to always use toilets when answering nature calls

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By Radio Luswepo 89.5 Fm 17 hrs ·  Mbala District Commissioner, Kedrick Sikombe has called on all the people in the area and beyond the Northern Province to always use toilets whenever nature calls. Mr. Sikombe was speaking in Mbala on Thursday 29th November 2018, during the World Toilet Day (WTD) at Mbulu Community Hall. Sikombe said the impact of exposure to human faeces has a very devastating impact on the public health, living conditions, nutrition and economic productivity in the district. Sikombe said because of this, all the residents must always use toilets whenever nature calls so as to avoid open...

Chasefu Town Council-Decisions made by the November 2018 Full Council Meeting

Chasefu Town Council-Decisions made by the November 2018 Full Council Meeting

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By Chasefu Town Council Chasefu town council has approved the budget estimates for the period of 2019 – 2021 for the submission to the ministry of local government for final approval with minor adjustments. This came to light at a full council meeting held at national assembly hall in emusa, on Tuesday the 27th November 2018 chaired by Chasefu District chairperson Mrs Banda Chimwememwe. The council further elected Councillor Zimba Kennedy as deputy council chairperson pursuant to the local government act cap 281 of the laws of Zambia. And the Council Secretary Mr Martin Mutale reported to the council that being...

OrangeTheWorld Zero tolerance of violence Ambassador Henrik Cederin

OrangeTheWorld Zero tolerance of violence Ambassador Henrik Cederin

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Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka   Zero tolerance of violence Ambassador Henrik Cederin Ambassador Henrik Cederin (@HenrikCederin) showing his support for #16DaysOfActivisim on Cairo Rd in Lusaka. #Orangetheworld #HearMeToo #becauseimaman #16Days  Be the first to like. Like Unlike

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