Zambia 2018 National Budget Expectations by Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) Executive Director Isaac Mwaipopo
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 23/08/18 2018

2018 CTPD Policy Brief The Booms Bursts Copper Prices Winners Losers Tuesday 23 October 2018 launch by Isaac Mwaipopo (3)
The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) and Zambia Civic Education Association (ZCEA) through Child Budget Network (CBN) expects enhanced public spending towards children in the 2018 national budget so as to realize child rights and access to essential services such as health, education and social protection.
We understand that the National Budget is a vital economic policy instrument that reflects government priorities in trying to realize the countries’ social and economic agenda. As the Ministry of Finance seats to look at various recommendations gathered from the national consultation process, CTPD and ZCEA would like to highlight some of its key expectations with regards to child focused expenditure for the 2018 National Budget.
With regards to Education, we urge government to consider improving budget allocation towards Early Childhood Education (ECE) Programme to ensure adequate supply of learning and teaching materials for children and there should be an increase in recruitment and deployment of ECE teachers in the 2018 budget.
On children’s rights to Health, the 8.9% allocation in the 2017 budget is still 6.1% below the recommended 15% Abuja Declaration threshold which would ensure the needed investment for making the desired gains in the health sector. We are calling on government to consider increasing the total allocation towards health as a share of the total national budget from 8.9% in 2017 to the 15% minimum in the 2018 National Budget in accordance with the Abuja Declaration.
The stark reality is that the provisions of the health infrastructure and care services have still remained a big challenge in Zambia. According to the UNICEF- Maternal, Newborn and Child Health report of 2017, it highlights that Neonatal Mortality rates and Under Five are still high: 34 newborn babies die per 1,000 live births while 119 under five babies die per 1,000.
We are therefore urging government to provide better attention on health care provision through allocations in the 2018 national budget. In terms of human resource for the health sector, government should consider maintaining the demonstrated commitment in 2017 by training, recruiting and retaining more health personnel in 2018 through provision of more funding for this purpose.
Contact: Isaac Mwaipopo (ED) Centre for Trade Policy and Development Phone: +260 211 264409|+260 976667999 Fax: +260 211266234 Plot 123, Kudu Road Kabulonga On nutrition, we are concerned that spending towards nutrition has remained low over the years.

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According to the analytical brief of the social sector budget 2017 done by UNICEF, Zambia has one of highest stunting rates almost half of children under the age of five in rural and urban areas are stunted which reiterates the need to refocus efforts towards addressing these challenges.
We are therefore recommending government to increase nutrition budget allocations in the 2018 national budget: Finally, we would like to emphasize our high anticipation of a National Budget that is driven by plans and strategies highlighted in key policy documents such as the recently launched seventh national plan.
We look forward to having a budget that fosters inclusive growth and tackling rising inequalities. Isaac Mwaipopo Executive Director For more information visit our web site [] or come to our office Plot 123, Kudu Road Kabulonga
A look at Centre for Trade Policy and Development
The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) is a non-profit, membership based trade policy think tank established in 2004.
Formerly known as the ‘Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia’ (CSTNZ), the organisation has progressed from being a network to being a think tank. The organisation is affiliated to Africa Trade Networks (ATN), Our World Is Not For Sale Network (OWINFS), Southern African People Solidarity Network (SAPSN) and has a membership of 16 local Non-governmental Organisations and individual members.
CTPD aims to promote equitable pro-poor trade policies and practices in Zambia through trade reform at national, regional and international levels. In addition the organisation Facilitates the participation of member organizations and stakeholders to ensure that trade and investment serves as a tool for poverty eradication.
Contact: Isaac Mwaipopo (ED) Centre for Trade Policy and Development Phone: +260 211 264409|+260 976667999 Fax: +260 211266234 Plot 123, Kudu Road Kabulonga