Category: Gender & health



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By Chileshe Kandeta For Ministry of Finance EMAIL: WEBSITE: Monday, 10 December, 2018 In November, 2018, the Ministry of Finance released a total of K4.8 Billion [FOUR POINT EIGHT BILLION KWACHA] to finance public service operations and sustain service delivery. Of this amount, K943 million was funded to service both the domestic and external debt; K940 million went towards grants to various institutions; K1 billion was released to finance various government projects, programmes and general operations; and, K1.9 billion went towards the public service wage bill. The Treasury also released a total of K169.3 million [ONE HUNDRED AND...

Zambia DNA Press Statement on the need for National Prayers for The Little Boy with needles and wires in his body

Zambia DNA Press Statement on the need for National Prayers for The Little Boy with needles and wires in his body

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Sunday 9th December, 2018 Zambian DNA commends President Edgar Lungu for his directive to have the three-year old boy with needles and wires in the body evacuated to UTH for special treatment. We also sympathize with the little boy’s condition, and wish him a speedy and full recovery. We are of the view that as a Christian Nation, we need to show compassion to those who are afflicted by evil forces just like this little boy by praying for them. It’s extremely shocking that so many needle and wires could be found in the boy’s body. We call upon all...

Press Statement on the Need for National Prayers for The Little Boy with Needles and Wires in his body

Press Statement on the Need for National Prayers for The Little Boy with Needles and Wires in his body

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PRESS STATEMENT ON THE NEED FOR NATIONAL PRAYERS FOR THE LITTLE BOY WITH NEEDLES AND WIRES IN HIS BODY   Sunday 9th December, 2018   Zambian DNA commends President Edgar Lungu for his directive to have the three-year old boy with needles and wires in the body evacuated to UTH for special treatment.   We also sympathize with the little boy’s condition, and wish him a speedy and full recovery.   We are of the view that as a Christian Nation, we need to show compassion to those who are afflicted by evil forces just like this little boy by...

COP24 KATOWICE Bringing 1000 solutions for the environment

COP24 KATOWICE Bringing 1000 solutions for the environment

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VISION EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS WORLD ALLIANCE HISTORIC FLIGHT EDUCATION News Login Be part of it Overview About the Efficient Solutions Label Topics Submit a solution COP24 KATOWICE Bringing 1000 solutions for the environment Efficient and profitable solutions to global warming and climate change Cop 24 The 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held between December 3rd to 14th in Katowice, Poland. One of the main tasks of the 24th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC will be to adopt decisions ensuring the implementation of the Paris Agreement, in order to fight climate change. SAVE THE DATE Share:   s1...

Mourners in Texas pay their final respects to George H.W. Bush

Mourners in Texas pay their final respects to George H.W. Bush

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RECOMMENDED STORIES Dems ‘Out for Blood’: Gingrich Warns New Dem Majority… Sponsored Ad ContentNever Lose a Photo Again With This Innovative Gadget… McCarthy Sees Flynn Sentencing Memo as… ‘The Most Generous Patriot’: Lee Greenwood Remembers… ‘My Daughter Thought He’d Pick Bob Dole’: Quayle… Recommended by ‘It Was Almost Automatic’: Bob Dole Recalls Saluting Rival-Turned-Friend Bush 41’s Casket share this ‘It Was Almost Automatic’: Bob Dole Recalls Saluting Rival-Turned-Friend Bush 41’s Casket  share this  email close video Gutfeld’s Holiday Analogy: Donald Trump Is… Tucker: Why Don’t Elites Live What They Say… ‘Don’t Lie to the Investigators’: Ken Starr… Rep. Biggs on...

Who is Wanzhou Meng? Huawei’s arrested CFO rose through ranks despite founder father’s rebuke

Who is Wanzhou Meng? Huawei’s arrested CFO rose through ranks despite founder father’s rebuke

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BLOOMBERG NEWS Published:December 6, 2018 Updated:December 6, 2018 1:20 PM PST Filed Under: The Province Technology LATEST IN TECHNOLOGY Who is Wanzhou Meng? Huawei’s arrested CFO rose through ranks despite founder father’s rebuke Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques ‘astounded’ by voyage to International Space Station Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques set to blast off Monday Advertisement Founder Ren Zhengfei laid out qualities a successor should have, before concluding ‘none of my family members possess these qualities’ Wanzhou Meng isn’t just any C-suite executive. As the daughter of Huawei Technologies Co. founder Ren Zhengfei and a possible heir to his company, her arrest...

COMESA Launch Green Pass Scheme and Fish Inspection Certification Facility

COMESA Launch Green Pass Scheme and Fish Inspection Certification Facility

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COMESA in collaboration with WorldFish has launched the Green Pass Scheme at Feira in Luangwa district bordering Zimbabwe and Mozambique at the confluence of the Luangwa and Zambezi rivers. The launch also of the scheme also marked the official launch and hand over of the fish Inspection and Certification facility with funds from the European Union Commission. The facility shall provide the fish traders with laboratory facilities to ensure that the fish traded out of the country is of high quality and safe. This is as a result of limited value addition in fisheries and aquaculture coupled with the high...

Restless Development Do you know what happened on Monday?

Restless Development Do you know what happened on Monday?

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Hey Derrick ! This week our newsletter kicks off with a big HELLO from me! My name’s Hannah. I’m the newest member of the campaigns team here at Restless Development UK and once I’ve settled in (figured out how the printer works, found the comfiest chair in the office etc) I’ll be working to support……                                  YOU! That’s right – all of you! – our UK-based members to run campaigns and take action on the issues which matter most to you. So don’t be shy! Feel free...

Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) and Consumer Unity and Trust Society International (CUTS) Research MoU

Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) and Consumer Unity and Trust Society International (CUTS) Research MoU

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Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) and Consumer Unity and Trust Society International (CUTS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for collaboration in Joint Research, Policy Analysis, Information Dissemination and Event Co-Hosting. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Empowering Persons with Disabilities Assessing the implementation of the National Policy on Disability – Infographic

Empowering Persons with Disabilities Assessing the implementation of the National Policy on Disability – Infographic

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Dear Friends & Colleagues In February 2016, the Government of the Republic of Zambia Launched the National Policy on Disability. The Theme of the policy is ‘Empowering Persons with Disabilities’ and this is in line with international and national policy instruments including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities. This policy was launched in an effort to; Deal with various challenges faced by persons with disabilities and Ensure for social and economic inclusion for these persons. Statistics reveal that about 2 million women and men in Zambia have a disability (WHO, 2011). Detailed information revealed that most of these people with disabilities...

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