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By Chileshe Kandeta
For Ministry of Finance

Zambia’s Finance Minister MARGARET MWANAKATWE, AU -LEADS recognition award recipient
Monday, 10 December, 2018
In November, 2018, the Ministry of Finance released a total of K4.8 Billion [FOUR POINT EIGHT BILLION KWACHA] to finance public service operations and sustain service delivery. Of this amount, K943 million was funded to service both the domestic and external debt; K940 million went towards grants to various institutions; K1 billion was released to finance various government projects, programmes and general operations; and, K1.9 billion went towards the public service wage bill. The Treasury also released a total of K169.3 million [ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY NINE POINT THREE MILLION KWACHA] as Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in November 2018, to support various community-based projects in all constituencies.
Commenting on November 2018 budget releases, Minister of Finance MARGARET MWANAKATWE says the reforms related to the removal of consumption subsidies and the austerity measures which the Government has implemented are now bearing fruit as seen by the timely releases of funds to productive sectors such as agriculture and to social sectors such as education, health, and public welfare.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu in Lusaka

Finance Minister , Hon. Margaret Mwanakatwe, who is also Lusaka Centre MP, pictured with her Husband Mpanga Mwanakatwe upon arrival at Parliament to Present the 2018-19 Budget
She has called on Ministries, Provinces and Other Controlling Bodies to remain instrumental in actualizing President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s vision of developing the country without leaving anyone behind by ensuring that there is prudence in the management and utilization of public resources at all times.
Mrs. Mwanakatwe has also indicated that this is first time in long-time that the Treasury has not lagged behind in releasing resources for the Constituency Development Fund [CDF]. She added that as soon as the 2019 National Budget is approved, Members of Parliament, in collaboration with other stakeholders in their jurisdictions, will have an opportunity to focus on community initiatives using the released CDF resources.
Of the K4.8 billion total funding for November 2018, releases for capital expenditure totalled K422.9 million, of which K193.2 million was for payment towards continued works and completion of road projects across the country, K10.6 million went towards the Rural Electrification Programme, and K49.8 million for other capital expenditure programmes across the nation.
In order to continue reducing the country’s indebtedness and ensure fiscal sustainability as projected in the Economic Stabilisation and Growth Programme [ESGP] and the Medium Term Debt Strategy [MTDS], the Government released a sum of K942 million in November 2018 for payments towards both domestic and external debt obligations. This is a practice to which the Ministry remains committed.
With regard to support for agriculture development, the Treasury released a sum of K458.7 million [FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT POINT SEVEN MILLION KWACHA] towards the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP). This is to cater for the speedy implementation of the FISP programme during the current 2018/2019 farming season, through both the e-Voucher and the direct redeeming programme windows.
For the purpose of clarity, the Ministry of Finance wishes to state that some of the funds from the K458.7 million were allocated to the process of dismantling outstanding bills under the FISP programme. The total amount released towards the FISP programme now stands at K1.74 billion [ONE POINT SEVEN FOUR BILLION KWACHA] from January 2018 to end November, 2018.
The Food Reserve Agency also received K50 million in November 2018 to liquidate some outstanding bills and to procure maize and other grains in accordance with state stipulations for strategic reserve requirements.
Further, a sum of K46.1 million was released to liquidate outstanding liabilities related to the consumption of goods and services by various line Ministries, Provinces and Spending Agencies. This brings the total amount released in 2018 for dismantling arrears to K379.3 million [THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE POINT THREE MILLION KWACHA].
The Treasury further released K142 million to support the activities and operations of various central government institutions. Of this amount K50 million went towards the procurement of drugs and medical supplies in public health institutions. In addition, public grants for supporting the operations of various public institutions such as hospitals and other medical institutions amounted to K60.6 million, while universities and schools country-wide got K116.3 million.

Three-year-old Richard Zulu and his 19-year-old mother Rosemary Jere with Sikazwe and Dr Chitalu
In order to achieve the timely payment of November salaries for various public service workers, including teaching, medical and security personnel, the Government spent a total of K1.9 billion [ONE POINT NINE BILLION KWACHA] on the Public Service Wage Bill (Personal Emoluments).
The Zambia Revenue Authority received K66.2 million during the month under review to ensure that the strengthened domestic resource mobilisation drive remains on course. K89.9 million went towards supporting the operations of local authorities across the country through the Local Government Equalisation Fund (LGEF) and a further K180.5 million was released in November 2018 to support the operations of other public entities and quasi-governmental organisations.

Issued by:
Chileshe Kandeta
For Ministry of Finance