COP24 KATOWICE Bringing 1000 solutions for the environment
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Bringing 1000 solutions for the environment
Efficient and profitable solutions to global warming and climate change

The 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held between December 3rd to 14th in Katowice, Poland.
One of the main tasks of the 24th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC will be to adopt decisions
ensuring the implementation of the Paris Agreement, in order to fight climate change.

Solar Impulseat COP24
The Conferences of the Parties have always been key milestones for the Solar Impulse Foundation.
Bertrand Piccard has actively participated in the Climate Conference COP21 in Paris, announced the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions in COP22 in Marrakech and launched it officially during COP23 in Bonn.
Through the Solar Impulse Foundation, he aims to bring 1000 clean, profitable and efficient solutions to protect the environment to COP24, in order to encourage decision makers to adopt ambitious environmental targets and energy policies.
The EfficientSolution Label
These solutions will have been labelled, or will be in the process of being labelled, by the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label as clean and profitable solutions working towards the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
- SDG 6clean water and sanitation
- SDG 7affordable and clean energy
- SDG 9innovation, industry and infrastructure
- SDG 11sustainable cities and communities
- SDG 12responsible consumption and production
Obtain the Solar Impulse Label and be listed as one of the #1000 Solutions
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