Category: Education

I’m offering free mental check-ups for politicians saying President Lungu is a ‘Foreigner’ – Dr. Jonas Chanda

I’m offering free mental check-ups for politicians saying President Lungu is a ‘Foreigner’ – Dr. Jonas Chanda

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Lusaka, Zambia, 18th April 2018 – Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament for Bwana Mkubwa Constituency Hon. Dr. Jonas Chanda has offered to provide “FREE MENTAL CHECKUPS” to politicians insulting Republican President Edgar Lungu that he is a foreigner from Malawi. Dr Chanda, a Medical Doctor, says some unprincipled politicians who in 2015 campaigned for a Zambian called Mr Edgar Lungu to be elected Zambian President hoping to be given government positions and business contracts, are now displaying serious MENTAL LAPSES by claiming he is a Malawian. The Lawmaker remarked that President Lungu’s origins were well known as the Nsenga...

Zambia launches Integrated Health Situation Room to Fast-Track progress towards Ending AIDS, TB and Malaria

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By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka The Zambia Integrated Health Situation Room centralizes health data for HIV, Tuberculosis (TB), maternal health and Malaria to ensure more effective and precise programming to reach more people with services. Lusaka/ZAMBIA, 6 March 2018—Inonge Mutukwa Wina, the Vice-President of Zambia, and Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), today launched an innovative new tool to track progress and identify gaps in HIV, TB, maternal health and Malaria programming in Zambia. The Zambia Integrated Health Situation Room shows in real-time service delivery data and produces a comprehensive picture and understanding...

TopStar’s Cliff Kachinga Sichone unveils ‘Ndiye Itambika’

TopStar’s Cliff Kachinga Sichone unveils ‘Ndiye Itambika’

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By Derrick Sinjela TopStar Sales Director, Cliff Kachinga Sichone launched  ‘Ndiye Itambika’ campaign in which the price of the Direct to Home -DHT- decoder combo has been reduced from K299 to K1 99 Kwacha with a one-month free subscription. Mr. Sichone assured the local market that customers purchase purchasing the digital -DTT- decoders priced at K99 will equally enjoy the one-month free subscription. A delighted Mr. Sichone said TopStar is resolved to guaranteeing households in Zambia’s ten provinces, namely; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western to access to quality and affordable digital television. “In line with...

Sweden’s Margot Wallström fights gender inequalities

Sweden’s Margot Wallström fights gender inequalities

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By Nelson Banda in Stockholm, Sweden SWEDISH Minster of Foreign Affairs Ms. Margot Wallström has opened a Gender Forum to intensify international efforts for promoting gender equality, witnessed by over 600 global delegates in the Swedish Capital, Stockholm. The Forum has brought key representatives from civil society organizations, governments, business, and academia to find solutions, take new initiatives, and strengthen co-operation in the international fight for gender equality. The Forum is hosted by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Institute in collaboration with Swedish International Development agency (SIDA) and the Folke Bernadotte Academy. “The conference is construed as...

President Lungu appoints Christine Mwelwa Kaseba-Sata as Zambia’s French envoy

President Lungu appoints Christine Mwelwa Kaseba-Sata as Zambia’s French envoy

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By Derrick Sinjela President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has appointed former First Lady Christine Mwelwa Kaseba-Sata as Zambia’s Ambassador to France, with Mpongwe Gabriel Munshya taking a Public Policy Specialist portfolio in the Policy Analysis and Co-ordination Division at Cabinet Office. President Lungu swore Dr.  Mwelwa Kaseba-Sata as Ambassador Extra-ordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zambia to the Republic of France on account of her 30-years- health practitioner experience at State House on Monday, 16th April, 2018. In a Media Statement circulated by Cecilia Lubumbashi Mulenga (Mrs), a Chief Analyst-Press and Public Relations, on behalf of SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE...

Helmut Reutter discerns a profitable Zambia

Helmut Reutter discerns a profitable Zambia

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By Saeedi Simon Banda and Derrick Sinjela FOURTEEN years after its birth, CHRESO University Chancellor Helmut Reutter is encouraging students and teaching staff to build a successful heritage beyond computer excellence achieved by Apple founder, Steve Jobs. On his part, Vice Chancellor, Lawrence Mwelwa is prodding students and teachers to bequeath future generations, through contributing into the Legacy Project, meant to consolidate the learning edifice, as Chreso University held a Third Open Day themed: ‘Changing the World through mind transformation’, adapted from Romans 12:2 Aside from honouring deserving faculties at the Makeni and City Campus facility, Reverend Helmut and Dr....

Edgar Chagwa Lungu courts India’s Ram Nath Kovind

Edgar Chagwa Lungu courts India’s Ram Nath Kovind

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By Jessie Zimba President Edgar Chagwa Lungu held bilateral talks with Indian counterpart, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, in Lusaka during a 10th – 12th April, 2018 State Visit to Zambia. President Kovind is on a first-ever- 3-nation tour of Equatorial Guinea, Swaziland and Zambia, initially at the invitation of Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. President Kovind, accompanied by First Lady Savita Kovind, was on a Saturday 7th to 12th April 2018, three-nation State visit Equatorial Guinea, Swaziland and Zambia. President Kovind’s visit to Equatorial Guinea and Swaziland was the first-ever Head of State of India trip, just as...

The Chinese are not here to play-Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika

The Chinese are not here to play-Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika

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By Hjoe Moono The Importance of Education in Diplomatic Service: Did you know? That the outgoing Chinese Ambassador to Zambia is a graduate of Harvard University? Yes, Harvard University! That should tell you something – The Chinese are not here to play! Remember: The British, during the drive for colonialism sent to Africa mostly graduates from Oxford and Cambridge universities – their best brains left England to establish new territories, and indeed, they conquered the world. Just here in Zambia, prior to independence, British Diplomats – Governors of Northern Rhodesia – with their education included: 1. Sir Evelyn Hone [Last...

Three Judokas leave for Hungary

Three Judokas leave for Hungary

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By Noah Silomba OYDC Communications Officer THREE judokas based at Dunavassany training Centre in Budapest, Hungary, Mathews Punza, Andrew Kaswanga and Stephen Mun’gandu left Zambia on Saturday 7th April, 2018 for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games preparations. Zambia Judo Association (ZJA) General Secretary Mabvuto N’guni, says the trio will be in Hungary up to December, 2018 when the athletes will break off for a holiday and later return in January, 2019. N’guni, says the athletes while in Hungary, will participate in a number of qualifying games. He thanked the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development (MYSCD) who through the...

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