Category: Education

The imprisonment of Nevers Sekwila Mumba for trespass at ZNBC!

The imprisonment of Nevers Sekwila Mumba for trespass at ZNBC!

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By Alfred A. K. Ndhlovu THE imprisonment of opposition politician, Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba, sent shock waves to some of us who know him as a pastor and politician. Even the charge of trespass at ZNBC premises shocked us because we do not ordinarily and necessarily obtain formal permission to enter those premises as sources of news. A heavier charge of “Criminal Trespass” cannot hold because Dr. Mumba was not armed with any lethal weapon or device to cause havoc at ZNBC. There are, of course, some politicians who walk armed with guns, but Dr. Mumba may not be one...

How do we become Zambian citizens?

How do we become Zambian citizens?

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BY Alfred A. K. Ndhlovu All the people of this country before it became known as Zambia in 1964 were identified by the tribe to which they belonged. The colonial government listed 73 tribes in the 1940s. This list was not revised in the 1950s or later in the 1960s. This meant that by 1964, it was outdated. Strangely, the list has been a reference point by some politicians of modern times who mistakenly think that Zambia still has 73 tribes. I must argue that the tribal list was not exhaustive as intermarriages gave rise to other people who could...

Visit to Zambia by Zodwa Wabantu

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“I am not wearing a pant here!” BY Alfred A. K. Ndhlovu ZODWA Wabantu was reported to have said at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) in Lusaka. The Zulu South African entertainer, who I may call a music warrior, had actually been paid in advance to come to Zambia to perform shows at various venues in Lusaka and, perhaps, elsewhere in Zambia. Although I have not seen Zodwa performing, the insinuation I got was that her shows were sexually provocative to men and perhaps embarrassing to the women folks. But both sexual provocation and embarrassment are neither offensive nor...

Zambia’s ‘Immunity Clause’ must go demands GEARS

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  By McDonald Chipenzi Executive Director Lusaka, 6 February, 2018   THE immunity clauses in the republican Constitution and other National Laws must be scrapped off to promote transparency and accountability in the management and administration of public, national, private and religious affairs and further promote responsible leadership in the country. For years now, the immunity clauses existing in our laws have acted as temporary vaccines against the pursuit of transparency and accountability on duty bearers in their discharge of national, private and religious affairs resulting in high incidents of corruption, abuse of public and private resources and facilities without...

MacDonald Chipenzi on Dr. Nevers Sekwila MUMBA’S ‘Political Career’ vs 90-day-detention

MacDonald Chipenzi on Dr. Nevers Sekwila MUMBA’S ‘Political Career’ vs 90-day-detention

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By Derrick Sinjela ELECTORAL Expert Macdonald Chipenzi says some people are celebrating that Dr. Mumba’s incarceration has completely shuttered his political career or knocks him out of the presidential race ahead of the 2021 due to alleged criminal record. But according to Mr. Chipenzi, currently serving as Governance, Electoral, Advocacy, Research Service (GEARS Initiative Zambia) Executive Director, the noted assumption is far from being true as the amended Constitution is very categorical on who is disqualified from contesting the presidency. A close associate to Chikondi Foundation President, Bishop John H. Mambo, Chipenzi educated critics that it is only those serving...

Nathan Chanda defends President Edgar Chagwa Lungu

Nathan Chanda defends President Edgar Chagwa Lungu

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  By Matthews Mulenga in Luanshya, Copperbelt Province Patriotic Front (PF) Copperbelt Youth Chairperson Nathan Chanda says those that have moved a motion calling for the impeachment of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu only want to paint Zambia black. Mr. Chanda, currently serving as Luanshya Mayor says opposition parties wants to make the international community to think that they have garnered sufficient numbers backing what he termed a selfish motion to impeach President Lungu. Chanda says some politicians want to use the back door to get into power the Head of State is difficult to beat using ballots hence a selfish...

PMRC prods Smart Zambia and benefits of e-PaySlips 

PMRC prods Smart Zambia and benefits of e-PaySlips 

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…..UNLOCKING ZAMBIA’S POTENTIAL By Bernadette Deka PMRC Executive Director Smart Zambia is an initiative established under Government Gazette No.836 of 2016 as an e-Government division in the office of the President.  The initiative is aimed at transforming the country through information and communication technologies and deployment of electronic Government services and processes for effective public service delivery.   What is the Mandate of Smart Zambia?   The Smart Zambia Initiative has a mandate of co-ordinating and harmonizing the implementation of electronic Government services and processes in order to improve service delivery across all Government Ministries and Spending Agencies.   What...

Green Climate Fund, Zambia development key prods Alexander Chiteme

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By Chibaula David Silwamba, Ministry of National Development Planning Spokesperson in Bamako, Mali, Friday, 6th April 2018 NATIONAL Development Planning Minister Alexander Chiteme says the Green Climate Fund support to Zambia’s agriculture and renewable energy sectors will contribute to accelerating development aspirations. Mr. Chiteme is delighted that the 19th Board Meeting of the GCF in February this year approved two Zambian projects in the agriculture and energy sectors, which are within the priority sectors of the 2016-2021 Seventh National Development Plan (SNDP). Chiteme, currently serving as Patriotic Front (PF) Nkana Member of Parliament (MP), is elated that the GCF Board...

Disabled Children deserve support, insists ZCYPWD 

Disabled Children deserve support, insists ZCYPWD 

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By Natasha Maimuna Banda Saturday 6th April 2015 CHILD Rights Activists have restated a need for global society to embrace disabled persons as their physical status is not a choice. Activists reiterated during a Easter Saturday 4th April 2015 Pan African Radio 105.1FM Zambian Children and Young People and Women in Development (ZCYPWD) that time had come for society to appreciate disabled persons as people differently abled. During the interactive programme Zambian Children and Young People and Women in Development, the panel and callers emphasised that disability must not be regarded as inability to contribute to personal, national and international progress. The...

Zambia increases access to Clean, Safe and Sustainable Water

Zambia increases access to Clean, Safe and Sustainable Water

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By Derrick Sinjela and Titani Zulu LIKE many countries within the United Nations (UN) family, Zambia is determined toward sustainable access to safe water in rural and urban areas, a landscape encompassing an area of 752,614 square kilometers (290,586 square miles). Since acceding to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Goals (UNSDG’s), the Zambian Government has remained resolute on this realistic dream through specific adherence to the goal on access to water, ascribed in UNSDG Goal 6. Ensure availability& sustainable management of Water & Sanitation for all. Launching the Seventh National Development Plan (2017 – 2021) themed: “Accelerating Development Efforts Towards...

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