Exit Mwenya Matafwali …Enter Lusaka City Market Manager Nalukwi Minyou
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Mwenya Matafwali exits as Lusaka City Market Manager
By Miles Bwalya Sampa Mayor of Lusaka
Saturday 16th May, 2020
THE Lusaka City Council Human Resources Committee (HR) yesterday held its madantory quartery (2nd) meeting yesterday at the Civic Centre.
The HR Committee is established by the Local Government Act and one amongst other 10 Committees of the Council namely Finance, Plannning, Agriculture, Legal, Engineering, Housing & Community, Education and Health.
The current members of the HR Committee are Coucillor (Cllr) Dr Smart Mwitwa (Chairman), Cllr Ruth Phiri, Cllr Douglous Tembo, Cllr Tasila Lungu, Cllr Mutale Kafula and Cllr Whatson Mtonga. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor Cllr Christopher Shakafuswa are ex-officios (non voting members) for all committees.
All decisions made by Committies are subject to ratification by the Full Council meeting of all 33 Councillors that also mandated to seat 4 times a year.
LCC employees are either pensionable or on contract terms. Pensionable staff (95% at LCC) are Unionised members that are hired and fired by the Local Government (LG) Commision of Zambia headed by Commisioner Dr Musonda.
The other 5% are Contracted Employees that are Hired ans Fired by the HR Committee or the Council (Mayor, Deputy Mayor & all Councillors). Casual workers, Bus Station Managers and Market Managers are some of the Workers hired on Contract basis by the Council.
Some of the Decisions made by the LCC HR Committee yesterday were:
1. Termination of the Contract of the City Market Manager Mr Mwenya Matafwali who was on a 3 year fixed contract.
Motion Proposed by Cllr Kafula Mutale and Seconded by Cllr Tasila Lungu.
The Termination is as per contract terms of I Month pay in-Lieu of Notice.
2. The Kulima Tower Bus station Manager Mr Collins Mulenga contract was renewed for another 3 years term. Motion Proposed by Cllr Douglours Tembo and Seconded by Cllr Tasila Lungu.
3 Hired (Headhunted) Mrs Nalukwi Minyou as the New City Market Manager on a 3 years fixed Contract.
Motion Proposed by Cllr Tasila Lungu and Seconded by Cllr Douglous Tembo.
Mrs Minyoi is a former Banker that served as a Board Director for the National Saving Bank (NATSAVE) from 2012 to 2017.
4. Pardoned 4 Unionised members of Staff that were due for. Reccomendation to the LG Commision to Fire.
This was after the ZULAUW (Workers National Union Body) executive present in the meeting made a plea for pardon on behalf of their members.
Motioned Proposed by Cllr Douglous Tembo and Seconded by Cllr Tasila Lungu.
Committee Chairman Cllr Dr Smart Mwitwa guided that Covid19 guidelines on time management for meetings as to be as short as possible.
Consequently all other agenda items were rescheduled to next quarter and the meeting adjourned on the hour mark.