Reward 2020 Labour Day deserving employees, insists FFTUZ President Chingati Msiska
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ZUFIAW Secretary General Chingati Msiska

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu 2nd August 2015
By Luswepo Mutepuka – Kwilanzi News Zambia Photo-Journalist
FEDERATION of Free Trade Union of Zambia President Chingati Msiska has welcomed the cancellation of Friday May 1st 2020 Labour Day celebrations at National, Provincial and District Level due to Covid 19 on account of social gathering measures which limit such attendance to 50 people at a time.
On March 25th 2020, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu announced measures to combat the spread of Coronavirus among them public gatherings such as conferences, weddings, funerals, which should be restricted to at least 50 people subject to complying with public health authority guidelines, whose time-frame was to end on Thursday March 26, 2020.
Following a review, President Lungu extended the measures by a 14-day period to end on Thursday 23rd April 2020, measures backed by the Federation of Free Trade Union of Zambia, though Mr. Msiska says presidential directive does not mean that employers must not award deserving and exceptional performing workers.

Labour Minister Joyce Nonde Simukoko at Nyumba Yanga Secondary School April 2017 pix by Derrick Sinjela
In backing the Labour Celebrations Lockdown, being coordinated by Labour and Soocial services Minister, Ms. Joyce Nonde-Simukuko, the Federation of Free Trade Union of Zambia President says employers’ awards motivate workers to work extra hard thus the need for employers to materially and monetarily reward deserving employees within the social gathering environment.
An optimistic Mr. Msiska has told Kwilanzi News Zambia in an interview in Lusaka that there are a lot of exceptional workers who has done well in 2020 since deserving peers were awarded on Labour Day in 2019.

FFTUZ President Chingati Msiska on 17th January 2018