Times of Zambia (ToZ) Editorial in 2016 in support of ECL called Mulenga Sata a Malawian foreigner when Mulenga could be 12 years younger than Edgar Chagwa Luungu and could be related to ELC
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Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika
By Kasebamashila Kaseba

Kasebaashila Kaseba
“Mulenga could not stand as a President of Zambia because his

Dr. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa’s 9th memorial in pics,MAUREEN Mwanawasa with Kaseba pix by Kaselo Chilemu
biological mother is from Malawi.
When Sata senior arrived back from England in 1966, he met a Malawian immigrant Margaret Nyamanda in 1967 and they got married and later had children that included Mulenga.
Given that Margaret was born in Malawi and only arrived in Zambia after 1964, her children cannot be eligible to stand as president of Zambia under the current constitution.” (TOZ)
IN FULL Editorial: “As we draw closer to the D-Day-August 11, there will be wars and rumours of wars just like the Bible predicts concerning the end of the world.
Here we are now hearing about the defection of one Lusaka Province Minister Mulenga Sata who has defected to the United Party for National Development (UPND).
Mulenga Sata joins another political upstart Miles Sampa who recently left the Patriotic Front (PF) to support the UPND.
Like Noah’s ark, UPND is taking all unsavory politicians who include foul-mouthed leaders, disgruntled, childish and politically naïve politicians who have a bone to chew with the incumbent President Edgar Lungu.
Other defectors include retired politicians who are dusting themselves from the political archives to make a political comeback.
As usual, Mulenga Sata announced his resignation at a hyped UPND press briefing in Lusaka yesterday, adding to a list of other defectors who, though ‘welcome’ in the opposition are causing fears of displacing party old timers, who feel their positions will be taken by the new comers.
The million Kwacha question is why has Mulenga Sata quit the PF? Why has he, like others, seen problems in PF now and not any other time?
Why is he attacking Lungu who has helped him to be what he is now when the Party could not adopt him as a presidential candidate? Can he tell the nation the truth?
We have also heard from the grapevine that Mulenga Sata’s defection has to do with the newly-amended Grade 12 certificate requirement clause. Can he comment on this?

Mulenga Sata with President Edgar Lungu
Early this year, Mulenga Sata was quoted on Qfm radio announcing that he was ready to contest this year’s parliamentary elections if given an opportunity to stand.
However, other stories surfaced that he withdrew from the mayoral race after presenting a grade 12 certificate that allegedly might have had some issues with the examining Board.
Zambians should remember that the politically naive young man got the mayoral position largely because of his late father’s political standing.
However, despite lacking what it takes to be a viable politician, Mulenga Sata attempted to stand as PF presidential candidate,, capitalising on a sympathy vote but was dissuaded.

Shamenda, Sata KK and Zambians
Like the grade 12 requirement clause that we suspect is responsible for his defection now, Mulenga Sata had another clause working against him when he attempted to stand as party presidential candidate-his parentage.
Mulenga could not stand as a President of Zambia because his biological mother is from Malawi.
When Sata senior arrived back from England in 1966, he met a Malawian immigrant Margaret Nyamanda in 1967 and they got married and later had children that included Mulenga.
Given that Margaret was born in Malawi and only arrived in Zambia after 1964, her children cannot be eligible to stand as president of Zambia under the current constitution.
That aside of all the president’s sons in Zambia, Mulenga Sata falls in a category of children who have not inherited the political traits of their parents.
In short, Mulenga Sata who is reserved and more of a loner hasn’t got his father’s political traits of a firebrand politician that stood the latter in better stead among other mortals.
The young and politically naive politician has been basking in his late father’s shadow and lamentably failed to be his own man.

Michael Chilufya Sata with Secretary General Wynter Kabimba and Spokesperson Given Lubinda – Picture by Derrick Sinjela Civic Centre Luusaka
He has never been a factor in PF going by his lacklustre performance as councillor, mayor and minister.
The move he has made like the earlier one of attempting to stand as PF presidential candidate could mark the end of his political journey that started from being a pampered son who was pushed into leadership where he has failed to tick. Read the original article on Times of Zambia”. http://www.times.co.zm/?p=85022 http://allafrica.com/stories/201605040437.html
Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika The Manda’s were our neighbours in Wusakile. Ba Margaret’s brother was the great actor Edwin Manda … late husband of Nkandu Luo’s sister. The Manda children were born in Northern Rhodesia though their parents were migrant from Nyasaland. If you read the supreme court judgment on the FTJ parentage and citizenship you will find that both Mulenga and his mother qualify to be Zambian citizens. In any case how long will lines drawn by European land grabbers and colonialist be used against Africans or ti imprison Africans?
Chamwe Kaira Bo Aka why has that clause been kept in the constitution?
Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika I took the issue in parliament ….spoke against for two days non-stop to boos and gearing…. then took it up to the supreme court….an still speaking against it…. I don’t even accept any colonial border…. But we continue to be victims.
Kasebamashila Kaseba Dr, I am also exposing hypocrisy (desperation or opportunism) here of TOZ and EL himself of splitting families.
Secondly, it is good you later included history and your input in that past debate.
While borders and presidency are colonial, I still hold at least presidents, just like chiefs, need to be citizens of that country and chiefdoms or there is independence.
It is said, first by Mulongoti, EL is heartless and corrupt because he is not Zambian but a Malawian foreigner.
There is deceit involved here and no wonder the hurry to plunder. I also cannot believe a Zambian citizen president can approve corruption has done EL.

United Party for National Development President Hakainde Hichilema with Alliance partners – Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) Peoples Party (PP) leader Mike Mulongoti and UPND Mobilisation Chairperson Silvia Tembo-Masebo on Sunday 28 January 2018 pix by Derrick Sinjela
Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika: We are all descendants of migrants! A person can avoid corruption but cannot avoid his parentage. We must judge people by their personal character and behaviour and not ethnicity, race and place of origin or parentage. That is the principle upon which I based opposition to the 1996 Constitutional change.
Mwansa Stephen: Mwanawasa is the only successful former president (rip) to have led Zambia with non-questionable nationality and parentage. Hon. Akashambatwa, what Kasebamashila Kaseba is trying to put across is, a bonafide leader of traceable nationality and parentage can have sense of belonging and total responsibility than the sense of ripping off. We are here not finger pointing who comes from where?? We are in search of leaders who should have the sense of responsibility and belonging.
Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika: You know that Mr. Sata said that even Levy was from Nyasaland.
Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika: Understood… what is important and critical and what Zambia has missed from begin is team rather than personalised leadership; a leadership team that is inclusively and justly nationalist rather than partisan and sectarian; a leadership team that is composed of leaders who are clean, clear, competent, committed, courageous and compassionate.
Barney Kanjela: Where did Mr. Sata’s father come from to squat in Mpika?
Bernard Mwila: Kasebamashila Kaseba, this is a good research well done. If Mulenga Sata is related to Edgar Chagwa Lungu, then we need to know how ToZ editorial separates Mulenga from President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
Chester Zambia: The misguided aim of FJT to fix KK is what opened this #PandorasBox. We are mostly immigrants in Zambia e.g. Ngonis are from Swaziland/South Africa. Some Lozis are from Lesotho/South Africa through Makololo while the rest are mostly from DRC. The original owners are the Tonga and Namwangas.
Mwansa Stephen Chester: Namwangas are from Tanzania also Tongas from West Africa research.
Chester Zambia: They here earlier. That is my point.
Kasebamashila Kaseba I think Dr and Zambia are mixing arguments and contradictory here to an extent.
Check that a EL is a Zambian whereas a MS is Malawian witch-hunt when both are of Kitwe.
Firstly, there is also positive discrimination especially at presidency before we attain team leadership there.
Whites also have borders. Citizenship is the foremost qualification anywhere if a nation is to claim sovereignty and independence.
Just as I disagree with KK on that score and staying too long in power.
What is at stake is essentially just three generations.
Dr Aka has had his difficulties of departure from MMD founding principles and promises as betrayed by “foreigners” or “outsiders” or “fraudsters” of the origin ideals.
Nationality eligibility is a minimum we should not even debate because even at club of lions or political party or chiefdom levels one cannot get to the top without being member.
Prince Aka is a prince who is eligible to be King in Barotse only but not Lesotho or Lubemba or Mpezeni.