State 55 Afrika President Sikwindi S. Situla Open Letter to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu
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State 55 Afrika
Monday 25th May, 2020
Dear fellow Afrikans at home and in the Diaspora,
ALTHOUGH the Afrikan Freedom Day has its place in our lives, it is imperative to remind ourselves of the hard facts that confront us on this path to our envisaged goal of total freedom, and greatness in prosperity.
With a population exceeding that of the United States and Europe combined, Afrikans at home and in the diaspora cannot continue to live and operate under the mercy of the few yet oppressive people and systems of the world.
It is only here in Afrika where we have continued to fight other people’s wars rather than our own.
It is only here in Afrika where natural resources are astonishingly plenteous yet our people are growing poorer by the day and widely threatened with a pariah from our land due to a new form of neo-colonialism we just never anticipated in the Chinese dealings.
This new threat of neo-colonialism is not any way better than that of the neo-colonialist designs the Afrikan people continue to suffer at the hands of long standing imperialists of the West and their surrogates among us.
Our brothers and sisters in the diaspora are equally faced with dread forms of suppression including racially motivated arrests and killings and are politically abused, socially despised, culturally dispossessed and economically deprived without any good recourse to the law. All these must be resolved, otherwise Afrikans will be invited to embark on a second liberation struggle.
After 400 years of slavery, it should be betting that the Afrikan governments recognise the “Right to return” of the Afrikans in the diaspora as well as extricate their right to Statehood over there, which is also proper going by international law and given their unique and historic circumstances.
Accordingly therefore, the aforementioned decision points will invite them to a grand cooperation in the people’s nation and state building efforts of the federal state of Afrika.
Such efforts must also concern the Afrikan Union to instigate a resolution that compels all Afrikan governments to grant dual citizenship to Afrikans in the diaspora as a matter of urgency and right rather than a privilege.
In the grand idea of the Afrikan Union, therefore, we the Afrikan people will now hold the Afrikan Union accountable to the promise of the union state of peace and prosperity.
To every Afrikan at home and abroad, we must remember that He that keepth Afrika cannot slumber nor sleep!
It is our lial duty for every Afrikan to do something for Afrika in order that Afrika should preserve and shelter all her peoples.
We must dare the grand idea of building one nation and state of Afrika by mass participation in exercise of our right to self-determination as our only recourse to self-advancement—which is why we invite you to formally join Afrika’s premier People’s Pan-Afrikan Movement to reclaim our wealth and self-worth by mass participation and crowd funding.
Yours Sincerely

State 55 Afrika President Sikwindi S. Situla