MCC Vice President & General Counsel Jeanne Hauch today marked the closeout of the MCC Malawi Compact
MCC Vice President & General Counsel Jeanne Hauch today marked the closeout of the MCC Malawi Compact at a ceremony to commemorate the official hand-over and commissioning of the Nkula A Hydropower Station.

MCC Vice President & General Counsel Jeanne Hauch today marked the closeout of MCC Malawi Compact joined by Malawi President Peter Mutharika, U.S. Ambassador to Malawi Virginia Palmer, CEO of the Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) William Liabunya, and MCA-Malawi CEO Dye Mawindo
She was joined by Malawi President Peter Mutharika, U.S. Ambassador to Malawi Virginia Palmer, CEO of the Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) William Liabunya, and MCA-Malawi CEO Dye Mawindo.
The successful rehabilitation of the Nkula A Hydropower Station was a major component of the MCC Malawi Compact. Nkula A, originally commissioned in 1966, was not running at full capacity due to poor condition. Through MCC’s investment, the rehabilitated and modernized hydropower station now has at least an additional 30 years of operation and output capacity increased from the original 24 megawatts to 36 megawatts.
Read more about the compact’s accomplishments:https://www.mcc.gov/news-and-even…/…/malawi-compact-closeout
Speech by His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, at the Ceremonial Handover of the Smart Water Supply Scheme in Jack
Township Friday 2nd November, 2018 State House Lusaka
• Ms. Jeanne Hauch, vice-president, general counsel and corporate secretary of the millennium challenge corporation;
• Mr. Davies Mwila, secretary general of the patriotic front party and members of the central committee present;
• Hon. Bowman Lusambo, Lusaka province minister
• Your Excellency Mr. Daniel Lewis Foote, the Ambassador of the United States of America accredited to the Republic of Zambia;
• His worship the mayor of the greater city of Lusaka, Mr. Miles Bwalya Sampa;
• Mr. Steven Marma, Resident Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation;
• Distinguished invited guests;
It is with great pleasure that i join you all in celebrating this important milestone of providing clean and safe water to the residents of jack compound.
I visited this area in 2016 when the works on the project were commencing and i have been aware of the challenges that most of our residents have been facing in accessing clean and safe water.
I am therefore very pleased that the Millennium Challenge Account-Zambia, has delivered on its commitment to provide reliable water supply to the people of Jack Township.
On behalf of the people and government of the republic of Zambia, I wish to sincerely thank the people and government of the United States of America (USA) for this life-saving support.
Zambia and the United States of America have continued to enjoy a cordial bilateral relationship for many decades.
The US$355 million grant which has delivered this project is one of many examples of tremendous support received from the American government.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
This project represents the clearest demonstration of the great friendship between the two peoples of Zambia and the United States.
The Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage project that has been implemented for the last five (5) years will directly improve the lives of over 1.2 million residents of the City of Lusaka.
This landmark project will forever remain an iconic symbol of support from the American people. Let me take this opportunity to emphasize to your Excellency Ambassador Foote, that those who seek to undermine the great friendship between Zambia and the USA, must come here to Jack Township, see for themselves the things that matter in our relationship.
When say this, i speak for both governments, that, our relationship is guided by a shared commitment towards the improvement of the livelihoods of our people.
I have said in recent public statements that i will not waste time on unconstructive criticism that seeks to paralyse government into inaction.
But it is opportune moments like this great ceremony, we see it fit to tell our own stories to correct the distortions that are been splashed in local and foreign media to poison relations with our friends; to harm our economy, and the country at large.
But get it from me, when all that noise has subsided, you will always hear from us the message of hope; the message of development that seeks to uplift the lives of our people out of poverty as the project is doing.
Again, we say many thanks to the government of the United States for this help that is visibly transforming the socio-economic profile of 1.2 million people in the greater city of Lusaka.
We are grateful too, for the many other initiatives being financed by the American government including those in the health sector such as the United States president’s emergency plan for aids relief (PEFAR).
This initiative has provided on average, over us$300 million to Zambia annually since 2004.
Madame Vice-president of the millennium challenge corporation, and your Excellency the American ambassador to Zambia, kindly convey our sincere gratitude to his Excellency Mr. Donald Trump and the generous people of the United States of America for these generous contributions.
When water is scarce, the negative impact on the lives of people is direct and immediate. For example, children are unable to go to school because they have to draw water from distant places or they are suffering from water-borne diseases such as dysentery or cholera.
The time saved in drawing water from nearby protected water sources will enable our people to engage in economic activities that will increase household income and contribute to economic growth.
Access to clean water supply and adequate sanitation by everyone is a key aspect of sustainable development.
No country can attain its development agenda without harnessing this primary resource. Water supply and sanitation is critical for all sectors in the economy to enhance productivity.
It is for these reasons that my government has prioritized provision of clean and safe water in the 7th National Development Plan and Vision 2030.
By 2030, every Zambian will have access to reliable, clean and safe water supply and adequate sanitation.
Therefore, today’s ceremony is not only important for residents of jack compound but for the entire country as we bring to fruition my government’s vision of ensuring universal access to clean and safe water.
Over 30,000 people will benefit from the jack compound water supply intervention.
Residents of Jack Township, wake up as early as 04:00 hours to line up for water. In most cases, they place drums in the queue as they wait to draw water at 06:00 hours.
I am delighted that with this intervention, the residents of jack compound will forget the long hours they spent drawing water from kiosks as water will be in their homes and close to their homes.
I am aware that we are also celebrating other achievements on this project, the infrastructure works on the Bombay and Mazyopa drainages and the innovative interventions in solid waste management.
The drainage system will assist in reducing flooding, especially, in the central business district of Lusaka.
The completion of the infrastructure projects, with the associated benefits, are becoming a reality for many citizens.
For example, in Lusaka, residents of Mtendere, Kamanga, Chipata, Ng’ombe Compounds and SOS East Village and the Meanwood areas of Ndeke-Vorna Valley and Kwamwena, are benefiting from works being funded under the Millennium Challenge Compact.
In addition, the rehabilitation and upgrading of the main water treatment plant in Kafue and the expansion of the backbone distribution network will result in increased reliability of water supply in many parts of Lusaka.
I am also aware of interventions under the innovations grants program, technical support to Lusaka water and sewerage company and Lusaka city council and the creation of solid waste management utility all being undertaken using the funding under the millennium challenge compact.
I look forward to more success stories from these interventions.
However, in order to ensure sustainability of these investments we as citizens need to do our part. I therefore encourage all of us to develop the culture of keeping our surroundings and our city clean.
I am committed to ensuring that the city of Lusaka and other parts of the country are clean in order to avoid disease and clogging of drainage’s thereby causing perennial flooding.
Apart from the direct benefits of water supply, sanitation and drainage infrastructure, this project has created permanent and temporal employment for over 4,000 people.
More importantly, our citizens have acquired valuable skills and experience that they will be able to transfer to other developmental projects in the country.
I am happy to note that Zambia has continued to perform well relative to other countries on the millennium challenge corporation scorecard eligibility criteria in the areas of good governance, economic governance and investing in health and education.
It was on this premise that the Zambian people received the grant of us $355 million in 2012. My government will, therefore, continue to work towards building on this good performance for the wellbeing of the Zambian people all over the country.
As i conclude my remarks, i would like to assure the American people that we will take care of the infrastructure left with us to meet not only our needs today, but the needs of the future generations.
This entails responsibility by everyone and i challenge us to begin exercising this responsibility immediately.
We remain optimistic as government that Zambia will be considered for a second compact based on our great partnership and the success of this first compact.
Therefore, let me end by reaffirming the Zambian government’s commitment to enhanced relations and cooperation with the government of the United States of America for the mutual benefit our respective peoples.