“A call to action – against offensive tendencies,” prods Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda Archbishop of Lusaka.
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Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda Archbishop of Lusaka.
By Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda Archbishop of Lusaka.
Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!
1. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ and people of good will. I hereby wish to address a thorny issue inter alia other issues that seem to be slowly taking root in our society, albeit complacency from the State and the law enforcement agencies.
2. In the last 12 months, we have witnessed an increase in the number of incidents and events that promote LGBTG+ tendencies contrary to the Laws of Zambia and our Zambian culture. Additionally, there has been an increase in the number of incidents of sodomy where boys and men are raped by fellow boys and men with impunity.
3. On Tuesday the 17th May 2022, the Swedish and Finnish Embassies in Lusaka flew gay pride flags, contrary to the provisions of article 20 of the Vienna Convention which allows foreign missions to only fly the flag and emblem of their country of origin on their premises.
4. On Saturday, the 3rd September 2022, a company called PR Girl Media Limited hosted an event dubbed “Lusaka July 2022” at Lusaka Polo Club. Pictures and videos that emerged from this event showed attendants double dressing in attires of the opposite sex and appearing to promote LGBTQ+ behaviour.
5. Subsequent to the above events, we have witnessed several cases of sodomy and homosexuality on the increase in our society much to the displeasure and disapproval of the general public. Unfortunately, the law enforcement agents and the President who took oath to protect the Constitution seem to be paying a blind eye. The question that begs an answer is: Is it by design or by default?
6. However, on Friday, the 16th September 2022, when a group of concerned citizens decided to undertake a peaceful protest in order to raise awareness to the ever escalating cases of homosexuality and sodomy in the country, the Police were quick to apprehend them together with journalists who were covering the event.
These were detained, arrested and charged with unlawful assembly.
7. The above events are alarming. If nothing is done to raise awareness among our people, LGBTQ+ will become an acceptable norm in Zambia, despite the existence
of laws that criminalises these activities and worse still being offensive to our Cultural and Christian values.
8. From the foregoing, it is necessary to act against the proliferation of LGBTQ+ and other vices which are averse and seem to be on the increase corroding the fabric of our society such as abuse of authority, abuse of state institutions, arbitrary disrespect of the rule of law, the hounding of the opposition members and constitutional office bearers perceived not to toll the line, the rise of nepotism, hybrid hypocrisy, deception, and lies, etc.
9. During His memorable sermon on the Mount, our Lord, Jesus Christ declared to His disciples that: “You are the salt of the earth…” (cf. Mt. 5: 13). The primary use of salt in ancient times among other things was to avert decaying of foodstuff. So, when Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth”, He is calling us to avert moral degeneration. We are therefore, invited to manifest in person and give witness to our Christian calling – to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
10.The Archdiocese of Lusaka, through its Directorate of Integral Human Development, is embarking on raising awareness against these offensive trends which seem to be on the increase in our society. To this effect, ADL – IHD will communicate an action plan in the next couple of days, spelling out the way forward. In the meantime, we are inviting all our faithful to pray and fast against all these vices that seem to be accepted by the authorities that be.
11.May Mary the mother of the Child Jesus, intercede for us that our lives may become salt to avert moral degeneration and light to illuminate the world from the darkness of evil.
Given this at Lusaka, the Cathedral of the Child Jesus, this 17th September in the Year of our Lord 2022, Fifteenth of our Episcopate.
Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda Archbishop of Lusaka.