Zambia’s New Music Wiz-Kid Phillimon TypicalPmc dreaming big 2016
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Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka with The Radio President Derrick Sinjela
By Derrick Sinjela and Maxwell Simbuwa
Phillimon TypicalPmc dreaming big By Derrick Sinjela and Maxwell Simbuwa Zambia is currently flooded with budding artists and entertainers, with Philimon Chisanga Mwansa aka Typical PMC being the latest kid on the block, whose compositions is gaining numerous coverage on radio and television. Given the psychological connotation attached to the abbreviation PMC; associated with late guitarist Peter Mpundu Chishala, Philemon Chisanga Mwansa is bound to grow into a national fame. Aside from being a budding musician, the 19-year-old Philimon Chisanga Mwansa is equally involved with television as a presenter on Prime Television’s ZED music show. When asked on what the future holds, Phillimon TypicalPmc mused that the sky is not a limit to his exploits; bragging that he was born an artist. “My name is Philimon Chisanga Mwansa and my stage name is Typical PMC. I was born in 1995 on the 15th of February. I started music as early as 10 years old, I used to perform at school variety shows with other people’s tracks from both Zambia and America,” Philimon Chisanga Mwansa.

Zambia’s New Music Wiz-Kid Phillimon TypicalPmc dreaming big 2016

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka with The Radio President Derrick Sinjela

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka on Youth Unleashed at Prime Television

Phillimon TypicalPmc
So far, I am the youngest artist to perform and to have my video shown on a very popular TV show called 3.7 blaze in the year 2013 with a track called ambition on TV2. “The song ambition was produced by Rollet studios. I had the chance of sharing the same stage with the likes of Tiye P, Saty K, D2, Brisky etc… Apart from music, I am a TV presenter at prime television, I present a show called youth unleashed that comes every Saturday around 13:30 hrs. PMC says he is a second last born in a family of four, his father is Gideon Kangwa Mwansa, while his mother, the late Christine Shula-Mwansa, died in 2010. Talking family, PMC’s father currently residing in Kabanana previously worked as a chef and police-person at Emmasdale Police Station in Lusaka. “I was born in a family of four (4), three boys; namely, 29-year-old Frank Mwansa, an artistic sign writer,27-year-old Shadreck, working at Shoprite in Lusaka and one girl 10-year-old grade 4 pupil within Lusaka.
For his education, Grade One to Seven, Phillimon TypicalPmc went to Kabanana Primary School (20001 to 2008), and did his Grade 8 to 9 at New Kabanana Secondary School, and completed his grade 10, 11 and Grade 12 at Highlands Secondary School in Lusaka. From 2012 to 2014. PMC or Philemon Chisanga Mwansa brands himself as a Voice of Young People (VYP) and is currently grappling with intense peer pressure to feature girls in a video. “I am yet to come up with a script in which a girl will be featured,” says PMC allaying fears of segregation or being a male chauvinist. “My aim in music is to work with well-known international and international artists. My type of music is hip hop that inspires people. This is why I call myself a VYP ( Voice of the Young People).” “I am planning on doing a track with Earthorne from the Ghetto link crew and also the likes of zone farm, Israel, Edddie Black and many more. My other aim is to help the poor and have a foundation like our very own Macky 2.

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka expectant of a bright future in music, television and radio

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka expectant of a bright future in music, television and radio

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka expectant of a bright future in music, television and radio

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka expectant of a bright future in music, television and radio

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka expectant of a bright future in music, television and radio
My advice to other young upcoming artists is to never give up, do their very best and never mingle with people who will have a negative effect on your life. In a way looking back, PMC is inspired by his mother. “Like my late mother always told me, “Be the change you want to see, work extra hard on your goals and dream big to achieve big”. Watch out for more of my music and remember that you can download my tracks on or you can like my facebook page which is Phillimon Typical PMC,” brags Phillimon TypicalPmc. PMC has done three video’s PMC LET IT GO OFFICIAL VIDEO BY OG BEE JAY, Typical PMC AmbitionOfficial Video#1 Pro by Earthone and a third PMC I MISS YOU OFFICIAL VIDEO 1, a tribute to his mother-Christine Chisanga-Shula. by Typical PMC and is currently working as a Presenter of a musical show on Prime Television Zambia, called Youth Unleashed aired every Saturday 12:30 hours to 13:00 hours. In addition, seeking to increase platforms for young people, PMC is a permanent feature on the Pan African Radio 105.1FM Zambian Children and Young People in Development (ZCYPD) every Saturday 10:00 to 11:00 hours. Zcyp Development a member of the Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA).
Last, but not least get Phillimon TypicalPmc every Sunday 14:00 hours to 15:00 hours on the Pan African Radio 105.1 FM Lusaka Zambia Fun-club PAN African RADIO 105.1-fm. Internationally, Phillimon TypicalPmc is inspired by Jordan Smith, while locally Slap Dee, Mark II and Kalumba Chikonde aka K-Smash are musical and television personality mentors, including Pan African Radio Station Manager, Derrick Sinjela aka The Radio President-The Man wearing many Hats.”. Zambia

Phillimon TypicalPmc pix in Lusaka expectant of a bright future in music, television and radio