Nicholas Davis There will be Cyberwar
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Nicholas Davis There Will Be Cyberwar
I love Wisconsin, one of the challenges of living here is that it isn’t an area of the country with a lot of cybersecurity people to network with. Therefore, I have recently increased my effort to meet other people in my field, via LinkedIn, over the past few weeks. There is a direct relationship between this increased networking effort and the people I have then met in person, after we connect. Last week, a gentleman who works with IBM Watson, drove up from Chicago and came over to my house for dinner. Today, I had the opportunity to meet another well known cybersecurity expert from Michigan, who gave me a copy of a book he wrote. I feel very fortunate. So, for those who don’t do LinkedIn, in my opinion, you are missing out on an opportunity to meet many, many fantastic people who work in your field. It is a lot of fun—-and as Bill Cosby used to say at the beginning of every Fat Albert cartoon show “If you’re not careful, you may learn something before its done”. 40 years later, Mr. Cosby’s comment takes on an eerie meaning, not originally intended—and I didn’t mean it that way either.