“Producers and Processors of Genetically Modified (GM) Food Products must adhere to ‘Biosafety and Food Safety Standards,” NBA Communications Officer Sandra Lombe
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Press Release to all Media Houses
Friday 5th June, 2020.
…and protect people from foodborne illnesses
THE National Biosafety Authority has urged producers and processors of genetically modified (GM) food products to adhere to biosafety and food safety standards.
The NBA oversees the aspect of regulating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or products of GMOs such as food, feed, application and processes from the laboratory or farm to the consumer.
This also includes the import, export and transit of GMO products.
The Authority works with various partners and stakeholders to enhance this perspective.
The NBA through internationally recognized biosafety standards, codes of practice and other national guidelines and laws, supports national food safety in order to contribute to consumers’ good health and environmental protection.
In addition the NBA conducts risk assessments, an essential tool in ensuring food safety.
“The Authority is encouraging all those handling GMO food products to ensure safety for humans, animals and the environment.
As we celebrate the second World Food Safety Day (WFSD) on Sunday 7th June 2020, we would like to reiterate our stance on ensuring the safety for humans, animals and the environment as it is our mandate to do so.”
The first WFSD, was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018 and was celebrated on 7th June 2019 under the theme “Food Safety, everyone’s business”. In this year’s commemoration of this important day, call to strengthen commitment to scale up food safety has been made.
“As the Authority we work with various stakeholders dealing in food safety, including the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture.
This is because we have one common goal to ensure safety of humans, animals and the environment.
Biosafety measures and standards must be adhered to through the whole food chain up to the consumer.
Through risk assessment, NBA will always ensure that the GMO foods placed on the market are safe for human consumption.”
Meanwhile, it’s imperative to note that COVID-19 is a highly infectious virus that demands good laboratory practices with appropriate biosafety standards.
Therefore, Laboratories conducting tests for COVID-19 using molecular techniques must adhere to biosafety standards and good laboratory practices as enshrined in the biosafety guidelines/standards for the National Biosafety Authority.
The Authority commends molecular laboratories such as the Virology Laboratory at University Teaching Hospital, University of Zambia School of Veterinary level 3 molecular Laboratory and the Tropical Disease Research Centre molecular laboratory for the good work done so far and for adhering to biosafety standards.

Sandra Lombe with Master of Science in Public Relations and Communications
Email: nbacommunications1@yahoo.com or lombe2@gmail.com
+260 211 278316 /0977854716/ 0961439503
About NBA
NBA was established under the Biosafety Act No. 10 of 2007.
Through the Act the NBA regulates the research, development, application, importation, export, transit, contained use, release or placing on the market of any GMO/LMO whether intended for use as a pharmaceutical, food, feed or processing, or a product of a GMO also to ensure that any activity involving the use or a product of GMO prevents any socio-economic impact or harm to human, animal health and the environment in the country.
Some of the functions of the NBA include processing notifications and applications of GMOs or products of GMOs into the country, in accordance with the requirements of the Biosafety Act, promoting public awareness and education concerning the activities regulated under the Act such as risk assessment, risk management and authorization processes; keeping any GMO or any product of a genetically modified organism under review and to ban its handling or release in Zambia.
NBA furthermore, establishes and maintains a database of GMOs and their products as well as making available such information to the public.
For more information about NBA visit: www.nbazambia.org.zm,
Facebook: National Biosafety Authority-NBA-Zambia, Nba- Zambia, Twitter: @NBA_Zambia and LinkedIn: NBA-Zambia