“I discovered my son-in-law, wife were sleeping in different rooms few months after their wedding, says a Lusaka woman!”
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Love Birds
A LUSAKA woman has shocked many after she narrated how her son-in-law, an engineer, and his wife deserted their matrimonial bed and relocated to different rooms few months after their flashy wedding.
Maria Tembo, 55, said that her daughter Stellah Banda deserted her matrimonial bed after her husband Christopher Phiri failed to satisfy her in bed during the first five months of their marriage.
Maria Tembo said the situation left her son-in-law in ‘mental stress’ as their relationship was tittering close to failure. She discovered they were sleeping in separate bedrooms after paying a visit to the married couple’s home.
The couple’s marriage turned into chaos, with the pair frequently fighting.
“I visited them but a few days during my stay at their home I discovered something was wrong, I decided to carry out my investigations and that’s where I discovered they were sleeping in different rooms. I took up the matter and that’s when my daughter opened up to me that my son-in-law suffered from premature ejaculation and was not even able to sustain an erection,” she said.

Love Birds
The woman said her friend had told her about herbalist Mizizi , an expert in such matters, that’s when she convinced the couple to seek his intervention.
True to her advice, a few weeks after the couple visited the herbalist things are working well.

A marital dispute can be resolved by Herbalist and healer Doctor Mizizi !
The herbalist has pumped life under the sheets and their marriage is back to life. Are you going through difficult and trying times in your relationship?
Are you afraid they might flee with other possible suitors?
If this is you, then worry no more!
Herbalist and healer Doctor Mizizi is here to restore your hope. Just contact him on +260779393178 and He will swing into action.

Herbal remedies
Mizizi is respected for catching thieves and cheating spouses, recovering stolen property, boosting business performance, Girl friend– Boy friend problems and influencing court cases, Financial Break through, Lost lover brought back in 24HRS, Delayed pension, Lotto number, School Issues.
Apart from that, He issues love portions, catalyses job promotions, issues lucky rings and also has body protection charms.
He has medicine to help in enlargement of the manhood, boost libido and increase fertility levels.
Dr. Mizizi is able to manage and heal illnesses such as Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Eye disorders Arteriosclerosis, Celiac disease, Cirrhosis of Liver, Leg paralysis, Ulcers, Alcoholism, Chronic fatigue syndrome, overweight & obesity, tobacco amblyopia, asthma, epilepsy, cancer among other chronic diseases.
He is available in Lusaka, Kitwe, Livingstone, Chipata and Nakonde. Call Him now +260779393178 or
Email: mizizidoctors@gmail.com