Storm in Paradise as Man Discovers 60 Used Condoms in His House:
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Storm in Paradise as Man Discovers 60 Used Condoms in His House:
“I Never Use Condoms with My Wife”
A Lusaka man has cried out that he almost divorced his wife after a plumber removed 60 used condoms that were blocking the toilet in their house.
Collage of toilet and used CD.
The man discovers 60 used condoms in drainage.
According to the man, who shared his story on social media, he was surprised since he is not always at home and never used condoms while getting intimate with his wife.
However, the rubbers were found in the drainage after it experienced blockage.
“I was told the toilet suddenly stopped flashing properly and that there was backflow. I was surprised because it’s a fairly new house,” he said.
The man said he owns a motorcycle spare part shop in City market,Lusaka and he would spend most of the time in the shop.
Little did he know that his wife of five years and the mother of his two children was having ‘good time’ in his house with another man while he was away at work.
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“I called my plumber to check out the problem after my wife informed me about the issue. I was so shocked when he called to tell me what the problem was, fifty used condoms that were blocking the system. The plumber was poking fun at me thinking that I was the one using them. He added that the condoms were entangled in synthetic hair, which I suspected was from my wife. On her part, my wife also said she was equally surprised,” the businessman continued.
The man said he decided to carry out his investigations after he was tipped by a neighbour that a strange man frequented his house to see his wife.
The two would spend over three hours in the house.
After unsuccessfully trying to ambush the duo, the aggrieved husband sought the services of native doctor Mizizi wa Mizizi to help catch them.
Days later, he received calls from neighbours informing him that his wife and the stranger were stuck while performing bednastics and were wailing in pain.
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He swiftly set off to his home and it took him about 40 minutes to arrive.
“I shouldn’t have trusted you in the first place, even after giving you everything you wanted, you have the courage to bring another man into my house?” The businessman fumed as he descended on them.
After four hours of long deliberation, the two love birds were separated from agony by the herbalist.

Storm in Paradise as Man Discovers 60 Used Condoms in His House:
The two have since given their marriage another chance after being counselled by the herbalist.
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