OYV’S Statement Congratulating the President Elect and 7th Republican President His Excellency Mr. Hakainde Hichilema
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Operation Young Vote (OYV) would like to join the rest of the country and world at large in congratulating Zambia’s President Elect and 7th Republican President – His Excellency Mr. Hakainda Hichilema and the UPND for the resounding victory in the August 12 Presidential and General Elections. This victory indicates that Zambians are one and can never be divided on anything. The voting pattern and outcomes show that Zambians were fed-up with the challenges brought about by the outgoing regime for not only failing to resolve but also entertained.
We say congratulations to HH, well done and all the very best as you foster a fresh trajectory for Zambia.
We also wish to commend the incumbent and outgoing President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu for conceding defeat and for his pledge to have a peaceful transition of leadership/’power’. This is a positive development for Mother Zambia an attribute that Zambia has always been known for globally. Indeed, we are a beacon of peace.
Our commendations as OYV also go to the ECZ for the job well done, especially that the ECZ was working under pressure on all ends – ECZ was certain under pressure from the outgoing regime to secure victory for them on one hand whereas the institution had no choice but to secure the people’s victory. For being magnanimous enough to conduct a credible election and endorsing the wishes of the Zambians, the ECZ deserves everyone’s accolades.

President Hakainde Hichilema and First Lady Mutinta Hichilema
Operation Young Vote (OYV) actively participated in the electoral process by encouraging the young people to get their NRCs and consequently registering as voters. We also conducted Voter Education and Sensitization Campaigns to encourage Zambians, especially the young to cast their votes wisely and correctly. OYV wishes to pay tribute to cooperating partners such as the US Embassy in Zambia and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the support rendered. The numbers of Young People that came out to cast their vote and the queues witnessed during voting is evidence enough that OYV did a wonderful job of mobilizing its constituency – the young people. It is in this regard that the organization is gratified to note that the President Elect acknowledged the patriotism of the young people who were majority voters during his post-election address to the nation.
The President Elect’s first address to the nation was healing, uniting and focused regarding his regime’s vision for Zambia.
Our call as OYV to the new administration is to ensure that the aspiration and the dreams of the youth who turned out in numbers to vote are addressed and become a reality through actualizing the many well-articulated pronouncements by the President Elect in his first address.
Further, as OYV we would like also to register our gratitude to the former President Mr. Ruphia Banda for facilitating the meeting of the President Elect and the Outgoing President. This gesture speaks volumes to the peace and unity of the country.
We urge the Youth and indeed all the citizens to emulate the leaders and embrace one another and live together as one family.
Our appeal goes to the Zambians and the Young people not to be vengeful but embrace one another and promote the one Zambia one nation motto our symbol of oneness and greatness despite the differences in politic affiliation.
We must hasten to indicate that, by calling for reconciliation, forgiveness, and unity, we do not in any way suggest that those that broke the law should go scot free – No Not at all. The law must be invoked where necessary and culprits must be allowed to prove themselves not guilty. This is our conviction as OYV if true development both at individual and collective levels is to be achieved otherwise, we may be setting a bad precedence that people break the law with impunity knowing too well that someone will forgive them even when they committed their atrocities at the expense of other people’s live.
From the President Elect’s first address to the nation, it can be deduced that a new dawn where the YOUTH must lead in development as opposed to being used as tools of hate and violence is here with us. Therefore, as OYV we call upon the youth in the country to be agents of positive change and peace. Finally, we wish the President Elect and his administration God’s blessings as they embark on this industrious journey to rebuild and restore Zambia to its former glory.